Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Not in the current year.

Besides, it's the defense's job to do all they can to get their client off. They are compelled to seek a mistrial when shit like jury tampering and doctoring of evidence occurs.
If you're the defense, you're throwing caution to the wind that all the factors working in their favor will be present next time.



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I just gotta say it - I love the Rekieta stream but Legal Bytes is killing me. Yappy, hardly any of her contributions are valuable, she's naht funny(!) and she's always there. Shut the fuck up!
It's weird seeing jew lawyers defending Kyle all through this.

Legal Mindset is the only funny one on that stream and he's been absent, but he's typically on at 6pm since he's in Korea.


I miss Norm
I just gotta say it - I love the Rekieta stream but Legal Bytes is killing me. Yappy, hardly any of her contributions are valuable, she's naht funny(!) and she's always there. Shut the fuck up!
I've tried tuning in to them a few times this week and they've gotten progressively worse. The main guy keeps talking about how many viewers they have and bringing up memes like someone's dad who just discovered the internet. That purple haired woman will not shut the fuck up today. Imagine hiring an attorney with purple hair. That stream fucking stinks now.


I've tried tuning in to them a few times this week and they've gotten progressively worse. The main guy keeps talking about how many viewers they have and bringing up memes like someone's dad who just discovered the internet. That purple haired woman will not shut the fuck up today. Imagine hiring an attorney with purple hair. That stream fucking stinks now.
Yeah I think I'm done until they come back in the courtroom. I've been so bored listening to this fucking shit all day.

I'll listen to music or something with the court feed low in the background.


What was Joey Rosenbawwwwm doing with his shirt covering his head? Did he think the cops would have a hard time finding that one 5'1" jigger out of the crowd after he killed Kyle?