Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Lol Shaquita

Imagine carrying this chimp to shit it out behind a dumpster to call it Shitquita.


When I first heard Rosenbaum was a sex offender I thought it was going to be some technical BS about having sex with a 16 year old when he was 19 or something.

It was molesting FIVE boys ages NINE to ELEVEN. This man is being called a hero by these dimwits. That Ziminski guy looks like a scary dude too, he and Rosenbaum probably sucked each other off in jail. Who knows what they were going to do to Kyle.


When I first heard Rosenbaum was a sex offender I thought it was going to be some technical BS about having sex with a 16 year old when he was 19 or something.

It was molesting FIVE boys ages NINE to ELEVEN. This man is being called a hero by these dimwits. That Ziminski guy looks like a scary dude too, he and Rosenbaum probably sucked each other off in jail. Who knows what they were going to do to Kyle.
It's simply and objectively a good thing that he's dead. If anything he got off easy. He was probably dead seconds after he hit the ground. Evil degenerate should have been flayed alive.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
This trial went as well as it could for the defense. Seeking a mistrial at this point is a totally misguided Hail Mary.
Not in the current year.

Besides, it's the defense's job to do all they can to get their client off. They are compelled to seek a mistrial when shit like jury tampering and doctoring of evidence occurs.


Ask me about my cock size
Not in the current year.

Besides, it's the defense's job to do all they can to get their client off. They are compelled to seek a mistrial when shit like jury tampering and doctoring of evidence occurs.
The defense is too sure of themselves with their victory (considering that facepalm moment for the prosecutors with the bicep guy), and too boomery to get the pressure that the jury could feasibly be under with this case.


A mistrial is coming. It's clear up until this point that the Judge is waiting until the verdict comes in and if he's acquitted then no harm no foul, but if they find him guilty on certain counts he will most likely mistrial with or without prejudice. People keep expecting that the Judge is going to stop everything and rule now. He's stated many times that he's letting the Jury do it's thing and if he needs to step in THEN he will do it. He's already stated that the prosecution is leaning on a house of cards.