Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Gotta pretend to have some further doubts or questions so it looks like you had to deliberate instead of giving a verdict immediately.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!


Kyle doesn't have to worry much even if this doesn't get sorted soon. At worst it's a mistrial and the state might not prosecute again. There's a good chance he's acquitted. There's a good chance if he's not, the Judge steps in and handles it. Even if something unexpected happens, the defense has a very good chance on appeal. There's just so many ways out for Kyle at this point. I don't think you'll ever find 12 jurors who are going to get him for murder (maybe in downtown Baltimore, not in Kenosha). Even if they have another trial, it's almost guaranteed it would end up in another mistrial.

This was always the likely result. You'd get 10 regular jurors who want to see proper justice and then you have those 2 politically motivated ones who wouldn't claim he's innocent no matter what evidence they see. They could show a video of Rosenbaum face fucking a 5 year old and they would think it was Kyles fault.


So the state doesn't know shit about video compression, when it was noticed on his laptop during the streams they have a shortcut for "handbrake." Hopefully the defense becomes aware of that.



I still can't believe cross-fit Mr Clean said "obviously it will be without prejudice." I'm in no way qualified to even armchair quarterback this shit like the people on Rekeita, but even I know you never get what you don't ask for.
The judge could always walk it back to that, but why undersell your fucking motion when you've already asked the court for it already?

This judge has teed up giving them a mistrial and this retarded defense never goes for it.


Exactly. Richards already said he would ask for a mistrial w/P if the State fucked around again. You see Binger milking the Judge like crazy, and then Richard's throws his hands in the air
This judge is peak boomer. The DA has been in front of this guy over 400 times apparently and they know they can beat him down into anything. They word salad bar him for 40 mins and lets shit go.

If they jump on the handbrake compression software tomorrow, the judge has to toss it. How many fucking times can this old faggot let the DA lie to him?


A mistrial with or without prejudice should have already been declared because the Judge literally said that the state has crossed the line and violated Kyles constitutional rights. Like, why the Judge just lets this clown show go on boggles the mind. I know it's been a highly politicized case but a Judge and Jury are supposed to be above any of that. You don't let the case go on just because it's such a big case. This judge doesn't realize that no matter the outcome, the lefty media is going to spin this shit and complain. He's trying to not let it be a mistrial so he comes across as more than fair but they will still tar and feather him even if he sides with the state.