Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Farted in Nikis pussy
I didn't realize how fucked up the kidtoucher got until I saw these. I hope his final moments were agonizing.

I could listen to his death gurgle over and over again. Fuck that pedo.


Ask me about my cock size
Imagine going through what he did, and still having the composure to escape and defend your self 2 more times. The kid's a God damn hero
I'm getting dragged on Cumtown.org over it (because of the Chapo chuds) but his episode, coupled with the fact that his life is over even if he wins (and his families to some degree) because of this gay moment in time...it kinda gets to you. The "Culture Wars" are no joke.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I'm getting dragged on Cumtown.org over it (because of the Chapo chuds) but his episode, coupled with the fact that his life is over even if he wins (and his families to some degree) because of this gay moment in time...it kinda gets to you. The "Culture Wars" are no joke.
how is ct.org these days? I check in now and then but not regularly. I'm surprised "Cool clock, Ahmed" is still putting up with all of it and funding/putting personal time into maintaining it. The guy had moderately concealed Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdowns and got dragged pretty hard

it does seem like the chapo contingent are still the niggers/McCarthy era communists of the site but I just skim the front page


So what happened today with the trial? I overheard a faggy left leaning co-worker complaining about something regarding the trial so I just assume that something happened that benefits the Rittenhouse?
Monotonous bullshit about about video evidence with the prosecutor having issue with fucking video being used by the defense that the prosecutor brought forward. Tomorrow is just motion hearings and Friday is closing statements. The prosecutor wanted two and a half hours. That's a dead giveaway your case is in the toilet.


Farted in Nikis pussy
Monotonous bullshit about about video evidence with the prosecutor having issue with fucking video being used by the defense that the prosecutor brought forward. Tomorrow is just motion hearings and Friday is closing statements. The prosecutor wanted two and a half hours. That's a dead giveaway your case is in the toilet.
I didn't think they were doing anything tomorrow. Closing is on Monday isn't it?


Ask me about my cock size
how is ct.org these days? I check in now and then but not regularly. I'm surprised "Cool clock, Ahmed" is still putting up with all of it and funding/putting personal time into maintaining it. The guy had moderately concealed Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdowns and got dragged pretty hard

it does seem like the chapo contingent are still the niggers/McCarthy era communists of the site but I just skim the front page
They hang out and try to cockblock the tranny jokes. They're so ridiculously transparent, they should be Jeffery Tambor in this mothafucka.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
I believe those attorneys on that stream said that if they file that motion, it closes the door to appeal if they get a guilty verdict. It's a tough one, man.
The average time to overturn a guilty verdict on appeal has to be greater than 5 years, not to mention the low success rate. It's admittedly not my life on the line here, but I got to think they need to go all in. Plus, if a Republican becomes governor of the state, the first thing he'll do is pardon him, might even run on it.