Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Obviously I am team Kyle but why are people saying the crying wasnt fake. Do you know how much planning goes into these trials from real lawyers? I know we're used to the resto and stapler guy from office space scenario, but 100% he was told to cry. And it was the right move.

@The 7th Guest haha you cried watching that. Faggot
Because it wasn't? As much as memes make the night out to be funny and as much as shitheads like Pat want to paint him out to be some stone cold killer who went out there with mission to kill people that night, fact is he wasn't. He's a kid that went there with good intentions and being attacked by a mob and having to kill two people definitely traumatized him. He was crying, shaking and puking according to the police when he was arrested.


Because it wasn't? As much as memes make the night out to be funny and as much as shitheads like Pat want to paint him out to be some stone cold killer who went out there with mission to kill people that night, fact is he wasn't. He's a kid that went there with good intentions and being attacked by a mob and having to kill two people definitely traumatized him. He was crying, shaking and puking according to the police when he was arrested.
I 100% believe that he isn't a stone cold killer. I don't even believe in sociopaths, I think everyone has some degree of empathy, it's part of being human.

But I also know that his lawyers would have goaded him into crying/getting emotional on the stand when questioned about it, to show everyone that he isn't a stone cold killer. Does that make sense?

Now that I type that out, I take back what I said about it being "fake". But I do believe it was planned.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Obviously I am team Kyle but why are people saying the crying wasnt fake. Do you know how much planning goes into these trials from real lawyers? I know we're used to the resto and stapler guy from office space scenario, but 100% he was told to cry. And it was the right move.

@The 7th Guest haha you cried watching that. Faggot
You know a loT of us do noT know the proPer proTocall


For me? It's Ken Waller!
I 100% believe that he isn't a stone cold killer. I don't even believe in sociopaths, I think everyone has some degree of empathy, it's part of being human.
The defense, even Binger himself, were so good at revealing what slimy squirming pricks the Car Source Indians were, it made me wonder how Kyle or his buddy that fucking knew them for ten years didn't clock them. He's got like a boy scout understanding of the world and self-defense laws, I wanna sentence him to five hours in a locker, followed by a wedgie. Let his mom deal with the curfew charge.


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
2020 was such an intense moment of mass hysteria its fucking insane. We’re only a year removed and it already feels way different. For a short time, everything was getting cancelled to an insane degree. Uncle Bens rice, Aunt Jemima. It really felt like the world was fuckin ending. Now nobody cares nearly as much, its like everyone got it all out of their system.
The creepiest part of all is how obvious it is that the media is what caused it all to happen. Remember when every single day there was a new police confrontation on the front page of the news? And now suddenly there arent. Doesnt mean those confrontations have stopped, it just shows you how much they control this nations psyche and they should go to fucking hell for what they created last year.

now they switched to corona nonsense. lugenpresse will have to be held accountable.


Because it wasn't? As much as memes make the night out to be funny and as much as shitheads like Pat want to paint him out to be some stone cold killer who went out there with mission to kill people that night, fact is he wasn't. He's a kid that went there with good intentions and being attacked by a mob and having to kill two people definitely traumatized him. He was crying, shaking and puking according to the police when he was arrested.
Barnes said the other day on the livestream it was three weeks of panic attacks and vomiting. The crying wasn't fake and he was never given help for it as far as I'm aware.


He fucked kids. It's redundant to even question it. He was practicing Judaism.

And yes, he was a plant. All three of them probably were. They're all Antifa without a doubt.

What are the odds that this kid shoots three jews in one night when they're 2% of the population?
I can see Rosenbaum being a plant inasmuch he was offered a paid gig to be riotous (calamity is Antifa's M.O.). But it's just as easy to figure he, a psycho kike, was drawn to such shenanigans organically. For sure Gaige gets paid to follow riots/"protests" around the country.


He fucked kids. It's redundant to even question it. He was practicing Judaism.

And yes, he was a plant. All three of them probably were. They're all Antifa without a doubt.

What are the odds that this kid shoots three jews in one night when they're 2% of the population?
yeah but kikes were certainly well over-represented in the BLM riots and are hateful enough to risk getting killed attacking a outsider with an assault rifle literally aimed right at them. the only thing that needs planting is their corpses.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
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The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
I read that he wasn't somewhere about year ago. Sure seems poor and trashy. I knew a couple guys growing up named Rosen who were white.

Although it's rare, some with jewy sounding names are White. Two of the most prominent examples were high-ranking NSDAP members Alfred Rosenberg and Felix Steiner. Rosenberg was one of the most influential thinkers in National Socialist Germany.


For me? It's Ken Waller!
Although it's rare, some with jewy sounding names are White. Two of the most prominent examples were high-ranking NSDAP members Alfred Rosenberg and Felix Steiner. Rosenberg was one of the most influential thinkers in National Socialist Germany.
Loads of slavs germanized their family names back in HRE or Austria-Hungary days, there's like a half a dozen lil' shithole villages in Poland called Pavlovitz. It's why I always check the foreskin, fellas.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno