Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Stupid Faggot Binger is being condescending to the Judge again

"We came to an agreement on this"
Opposing Council Vigorously shake head no

Fucking Dolt. Apparently he went to the Fatrick school of "say what you want reality to be and tell everyone else they are wrong"
Unfortunately Binger is right. I watched that pretrial hearing. The judge ordered that the expert could not testify as to 'human behavior'. That language is too broad. Now Binger is arguing "pointing the gun" speaks to human behavior. Ugh.


Binger's wearing his Sherlock Holmes pin today.




I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
"The Night Kenosha Died"

Kyle was a cop on the east side of Kenosha
Back in the USA, back in the bad old days

In the heat of a summer night
In the land of the dollar bill
When the town of Kenosha died
And they talk about it still
When a man named Rosenbaum
Tried to make a kid get blown
And he called his fags to war
With the forces of the law

I heard Kyle's momma cry
I heard her pray the night Kenosha died
Brother, what a night it really was?
Brother, what a fight it really was?
Glory be!


You will never see my penis
Is it normal for the prosecution to be this degrading? Binger asked the video forensics guy what he gets paid for his testimony to suggest he was bought, I guess. The fat guy asked the based autist wha' happen' that he doesn't work at the grocery chain anymore, probably hoping the guy had been disgracefully fired and was unemployed. They always seem to try to humiliate witnesses. Is that common in US trials?


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Is it normal for the prosecution to be this degrading? Binger asked the video forensics guy what he gets paid for his testimony to suggest he was bought, I guess. The fat guy asked the based autist wha' happen' that he doesn't work at the grocery chain anymore, probably hoping the guy had been disgracefully fired and was unemployed. They always seem to try to humiliate witnesses. Is that common in US trials?
it is when they don't have a chinaman's chance of winning


Is it normal for the prosecution to be this degrading? Binger asked the video forensics guy what he gets paid for his testimony to suggest he was bought, I guess. The fat guy asked the based autist wha' happen' that he doesn't work at the grocery chain anymore, probably hoping the guy had been disgracefully fired and was unemployed. They always seem to try to humiliate witnesses. Is that common in US trials?
I can't speak for whether it's common in US trials or not but it's common in human nature to make ad hominem attacks against someone when you can't argue facts. Oopsie doodles.


I miss Norm
Is it normal for the prosecution to be this degrading? Binger asked the video forensics guy what he gets paid for his testimony to suggest he was bought, I guess. The fat guy asked the based autist wha' happen' that he doesn't work at the grocery chain anymore, probably hoping the guy had been disgracefully fired and was unemployed. They always seem to try to humiliate witnesses. Is that common in US trials?
Its common to try to discredit witnesses when they hurt your case, but the prosecution has been pretty unethical about it and is trying to turn the case political instead of arguing the facts. I think Binger wants to turn this case into a left vs right issue, convict the white supremacist nazi, and parlay that into becoming a CNN/MSNBC legal expert celebrity.


Farted in Nikis pussy
Its common to try to discredit witnesses when they hurt your case, but the prosecution has been pretty unethical about it and is trying to turn the case political instead of arguing the facts. I think Binger wants to turn this case into a left vs right issue, convict the white supremacist nazi, and parlay that into becoming a CNN/MSNBC legal expert celebrity.
Binger straight up said it was political