Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


You will never see my penis
Its common to try to discredit witnesses when they hurt your case, but the prosecution has been pretty unethical about it and is trying to turn the case political instead of arguing the facts. I think Binger wants to turn this case into a left vs right issue, convict the white supremacist nazi, and parlay that into becoming a CNN/MSNBC legal expert celebrity.
Hopefully that cocksucker is too boring for TV.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.



This whole thing has been a travesty. All starting with the media and the Jacob Blake garbage. Faggots like lebron james. My god. We fucking suck as a country.

Where the fuck were the police to protect these businesses? The governors mayors have no responsibility? A “police line” in Kenosha fucking Wisconsin.

This kid should be an American Hero. He’s got BALLS the size of an Irish broads ass. Fuck these rioting kikes. What a joke we’ve become.


This whole thing has been a travesty. All starting with the media and the Jacob Blake garbage. Faggots like lebron james. My god. We fucking suck as a country.

Where the fuck were the police to protect these businesses? The governors mayors have no responsibility? A “police line” in Kenosha fucking Wisconsin.

This kid should be an American Hero. He’s got BALLS the size of an Irish broads ass. Fuck these rioting kikes. What a joke we’ve become.
We've been a joke since George Washington had the militia quell the Whiskey Rebellion.. sniff..

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I didn't realize how fucked up the kidtoucher got until I saw these. I hope his final moments were agonizing.

Pat way crying about this guy being shot in the back even though here you can see the defensive hand wounds and a hole in his head. Oh and there is that video of him trying to grab his rifle.