Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
He'd be the ultimate weapon. As soon as he rounded any corner young ladies would want him to woo them, older women would want to cook and knit for that sweet baby-faced boy, and any man would lower their guard because of his gentle appearance yet wind up ventilated before they could take their next breath.

Edit: Also, he was a lifeguard for heaven's sake. His mode of existence is to save lives. Single moms get a deserved bad rap but his mom raised him right.
Yeah, but how many retarded kids died on his watch? Must burn piggy's ass that Kyle is all the things he pretends to be and nothing like pat actually is


The closed captioning in the stream that was supposed to read "Mr. Grosskreutz: This is me":

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