Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Went to break for 30 mins.

I like how the Tomlinson fat prosecutor got snarky with the judge. The judge couldn't be more fair and friendly. Not a good look in front of the jury right there, child.

Both of them look so fucking defeated. Just dismiss the fucking charges already. Defense doesn't even need to present their case. It's the most clear cut self defense case of this magnitude ever.




Today was a great day. I loved when one of the brothers said Kyle came over to him to tell him his family would get through this (their cars' destruction) and offered to help them with a fundraiser. I mean, this kid is not only a motherfucking hero but also a sweet angel. I'm just sad he's 18 already because I want to adopt him.

They should clone his DNA for super soldiers and make Captain America a reality.


They should clone his DNA for super soldiers and make Captain America a reality.
He'd be the ultimate weapon. As soon as he rounded any corner young ladies would want him to woo them, older women would want to cook and knit for that sweet baby-faced boy, and any man would lower their guard because of his gentle appearance yet wind up ventilated before they could take their next breath.

Edit: Also, he was a lifeguard for heaven's sake. His mode of existence is to save lives. Single moms get a deserved bad rap but his mom raised him right.


The bicepless kike is coming in on Monday to finish the state's "case."

I don't know how we go from the defense being a sleep at the wheel for two days to the last two days, specifically today, absolutely imploding the state's case where budget Gary Oldman looking like he wants to toe trigger attachment himself when his Tomlinson bodied co counsel is questioning witnesses.


There's no coming back for the prosecution. They're toast. Defense will show all the pics of Grosskreutz holding that glock, the fact that there was a full mag in it, and that there was one in the chamber with Kyle's name on it. Defense will prove the dude was literally going to blow Kyle's head off if Kyle hadn't disarmed him. Case OVER!

Defense won't even have to present their side. They could easily request to dismiss after the prosecution rests and the judge would happily grant it.


Farted in Nikis pussy
It's clear the state had no case but what is the point in calling Gaige? Are they trying to go for sympathy? That all goes out the window when he pulls that fake surrender shit. If the state trys to bring up character, the defense gets to bring up convicted felon, and they can go hard on him. Hopefully discount Jeff Besos gets to cross, as he is far more likable then nigger guy


It's clear the state had no case but what is the point in calling Gaige? Are they trying to go for sympathy? That all goes out the window when he pulls that fake surrender shit. If the state trys to bring up character, the defense gets to bring up convicted felon, and they can go hard on him. Hopefully discount Jeff Besos gets to cross, as he is far more likable then nigger guy
His testimony is literally a hand grenade that the state will completely fuck up like they've done with almost every witness and the defense is going to shred him.