Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


I'm hoping the defense motions for that soon. You just know that jury is infiltrated with people who already condemned Rittenhouse, and at best he'll get a hung jury if it goes to a verdict
The judge has been a defensive linemen for Kyle the whole trial. His defense team was hitting walk off homeruns for three days now.

It's just malicious prosecution at this point.

Just from his face during some of the meatier testimony shows he's clearly fucked up from killing people, and understandably so. Even when he was questioned that night they said he was pale as a ghost.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
The judge has been a defensive linemen for Kyle the whole trial. His defense team was hitting walk off homeruns for three days now.

It's just malicious prosecution at this point.
He just seems like an old school "letter of the law" type; which may help some defenses. He's cited ancient Roman law a number of times in his decisions


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Rosenbaum's rape victims the morning after finding out Rittenhouse split his melon



I’m an expert writer, child.



Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
I think this shot was done in the midst of him falling down and I assume his head spun to his left.
I think Rittenshouse fired 4 shots in less than a second with some being in the front and one hitting the back of (((pedo-baum))). Just shows how fast this shit really happened, and makes the argument against malicious intent


Farted in Nikis pussy
I think Rittenshouse fired 4 shots in less than a second with some being in the front and one hitting the back of (((pedo-baum))). Just shows how fast this shit really happened, and makes the argument against malicious intent
The kill shot hit him in the back as he was falling to the ground from reaching for the gun and having his pelvis shattered from the 1st shot.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
So they're trying to infer that Kyle shot him from the back. He has a wound on his pedo jew head (redundant) that goes from back to front.

I think this shot was done in the midst of him falling down and I assume his head spun to his left.
Who really cares how fyvush fuckhole died?