On Febuary 7, 2024 My Wisconsin Attorney spoke to Niki Robinson in an effort to close out the Santa Clara debt. She was informed it would be roughly around 30k. She said she would pay 11k and asked why it was 30k. She was informed about the additional costs, fees and interest.
On Febuary 9, 2024 My Wisconsin Attorney left a voicemail for Niki to resolve the outstanding debt again. She never returned this voicemail or spoke with Dave again.
The check that I previous posted was dated February 8th, which was one day after my attorney informed Niki that the amount was more than 11k. Also included was this letter:
Why is this significant? Well Nicole had just been informed that she owed more than 11k. Yet she wrote a letter specifically stating that the check represents the "full satisfaction of the judgement"
... there's some contention about the law here. It might be the case that if you cash a check for less than the judgement you have "agreed" to the full amount. Even writing "under protest" or something on the check may not be enough. So I had a check for 11k, that I couldn't cash until I had the remaining amount. Given the specific timing of when this occurred, its likely Niki consulted a lawyer and they tried a legal trick in order to steal 26 thousand dollars from me. that's right, after filing a frivolous lawsuit, costing me 83k and 3 years of my life. She tried one last gambit to steal from me.
What should you do when you receive a check from a customer for an amount less than your total claim, but the check is marked with a "payment in full" or similar restrictive notation?
Nice gamesmanship, idiot.