Piggy made the news


False. He gets up out if bed every morning




Does he

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Will Tate

Oven March
Pat really hates when you start doing your own research and finding omissions and obvious lies. Hate the trolls all you want but those court documents are right as rain. Denial wont work on those.
Facebook rando: Yeah, so I Googled you and found all these official court documents and rock solid evidence of this stupid lawsuit."
Pat: Sorry you're so gullible, child I can't help you.
FBR: But it says right there you sued 60 people and lost.
Pat: Fuck, you're stupid
FBR: *registers account on Owen A. Forms*

This has been Birth of a Patposter. Thank you.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Facebook rando: Yeah, so I Googled you and found all these official court documents and rock solid evidence of this stupid lawsuit."
Pat: Sorry you're so gullible, child I can't help you.
FBR: But it says right there you sued 60 people and lost.
Pat: Fuck, you're stupid
FBR: *registers account on Owen A. Forms*

This has been Birth of a Patposter. Thank you.

Pretty wild for someone that says " Look it up yourself, Im not doing your homework for you" then gets upset when they find out a bunch of real archives and legal documents that debunk his story.


Get up here and shut up!
I literally have no idea how he thought appearing like Elvis on a coke bender (fat, sweaty, pupils like pinheads) on the local news was a good idea. Wash your face, your oily sweaty face sheen was disgusting.

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He looks more like Elvis on his last live performance with an impacted bowel from all the barbiturates, 'ludes, and fool's gold loafs he was eating, while sweating profusely and forgetting his own lyrics.

He shit himself to death like two months later.