Pig meltdown incoming

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Cope harder pat. Nice self burn. Pat admits the person in the photos is indeed fat and old.

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Andy Elliott

How can I doubt this? You even sourced the ….twitter post…this came from. Guess its true
Do you ever cite sources?

You already hijacked God knows how many pages of yet another thread with your limited leftist understanding of politics and corruption. I'm responding to the topic, Fatso's retarded posts. You should try to do the same.

Sue Lightning

Do you ever cite sources?

You already hijacked God knows how many pages of yet another thread with your limited leftist understanding of politics and corruption. I'm responding to the topic, Fatso's retarded posts. You should try to do the same.
Retards like you actually think about it in these terms:

Right wing opinions = Rational logical discussion
Left wing opinions = Sperging and arguing

Even when i’m replying to Pat the same way you are thats seen as “sperging”. Don’t think i didn’t see your snarky sassy ass comment on my thread the other day BABYBOY. Me asking why Pat was a Democrat with literally 0 arguing in the comments from me was “sperging” and “arguing about politics” to you.

You’re in the same Fox / Twitter matrix that retard geriatric Nana is in.

Sue Lightning

Retards who cry about how pigheadedly confident and one sided Patrick is also happen to get incensed when you don’t believe Kamala Harris is running a money laundering op for Venezuelan billionaires and the Mexican cartel. Anyway look how crazy Pat is for believing Trump wasn’t shot, what a conspriacist!
Retards like you actually think about it in these terms:

Right wing opinions = Rational logical discussion
Left wing opinions = Sperging and arguing

Even when i’m replying to Pat the same way you are thats seen as “sperging”. Don’t think i didn’t see your snarky sassy ass comment on my thread the other day BABYBOY. Me asking why Pat was a Democrat with literally 0 arguing in the comments from me was “sperging” and “arguing about politics” to you.

You’re in the same Fox / Twitter matrix that retard geriatric Nana is in.
There you go again. You seriously could easily be a Fatso alt here with your often wrong, overly-wordy, attention seeking takes.

Sometimes you're funny though.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Retards who cry about how pigheadedly confident and one sided Patrick is also happen to get incensed when you don’t believe Kamala Harris is running a money laundering op for Venezuelan billionaires and the Mexican cartel. Anyway look how crazy Pat is for believing Trump wasn’t shot, what a conspriacist!
As a strong black woman I think its all fake news

Lard Glug

Lard Glug contains neither lard nor glug.
Retards who cry about how pigheadedly confident and one sided Patrick is also happen to get incensed when you don’t believe Kamala Harris is running a money laundering op for Venezuelan billionaires and the Mexican cartel. Anyway look how crazy Pat is for believing Trump wasn’t shot, what a conspriacist!
Nobody thinks Harris is running anything.
He will start pointing fingers and blaming his fellow dems for losing the election because they got him to resign. Calling them traitors and the destruction of democracy is their fault. " You have blood on your hands" type posts.

Come on " six figures" Pat. Pony up a donation over $500.

View attachment 212719
Professional author at it again, everyone. I guess "ripoff" is a portmanteau of "rip" and "poff"?

Hey Pat, remember when Adrienne said that to you?

View attachment 212771
I think that's what he said to Annabelle.

Cope harder pat. Nice self burn. Pat admits the person in the photos is indeed fat and old.

View attachment 212840
As amazingly entertaining as the Josiah and the 83k Bandit arcs were, sometimes it's the simple things that get ya. Christ he's retarded. That's all. The "And they were right" just brings it to another plane.