Pig meltdown incoming

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

They....blew off the foot, but put the shotgun down. So Kamala is - she's the other foot? That they didn't blow off? He fucked up, nothing he's saying makes sense now because he said only Biden could win and also Harris couldn't.

Pelosi, Jeffries, Harris. Pat hates women, blacks, and black women. Now he's giving Obama orders. This is a level of racism that Anthony Cumia would find odd.

Josef Kuminski

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Obama saved the world but Biden was a much better president, child.
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Lol like when Obama killed an American Citizen with a drone strike? Or the innocent civilians that died due to drone strikes? Or weaponizing the IRS to go after conservative groups? That Benghazi thing. FFS these faggots live in their own reality. I’m pretty sure he had a bunch of other shit that went down under Obamas watch that they ignore.
Ahahahahaha this retard seriously thinks the world is legitimately ending because of who is in charge of the USA and his only course of action is to lay on his couch under a blanket in the middle of the day whining on the internet as usual.

His mind has been fully rotted through a combination of superhero movies, Trump derangement and Twitter. There's also the fact that he's massively autistic to boot.