Pat stalkers are human garbage


#1 Poster
I don't remember actually hating Joe it was just funny to make fun of him, you all seem legitimately bitter and full of hate, most of you spend 24/7 here so it's a bit like calling the kettle fat


one day you will wake up and think "I wasted a decade obsessing over a stranger" and then you will think "I should have listened to cuntfucker" but it's too late
Dude I've posted here on off all day, still took out old cabinets and installed new ones in my shop and went to the dump with the garbage. I'm doing this for the enjoyment of driving a waste of life to the insane asylum. If I could only round all of you up two, I'd feel happier than I am already.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
of course it's true, nothing wrong with a taste every now and then but a lot of you are literally demented and spend all day thinking about Patrick
I thought your bit was meta-trolling the forum. This is just legitimate observations and advice, which is boring and gay. At this point, this many years deep, who would be left here *but* the obsessives?


of course it's true, nothing wrong with a taste every now and then but a lot of you are literally demented and spend all day thinking about Patrick
He didn't enter my mind from 5 am until I came back in the house for a break after 9. I do my shit and then get my Fat laughs, the reason I'm home so much is his type and their histrionics over Covid. I spent an entire summer at our cottage not getting to enjoy it right thanks to lefty cunts, so Rick gets hate.


#1 Poster
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