Pat stalkers are human garbage


You will never see my penis
how much time do you have to spend online, and how friendless and unsocialised do you have to be before you turn into a p-titty?

what sort creature thinks that people are going to be impressed by the fact they sit on their computer all day talking about jewish conspiracies with other unemployed losers?

have sex
You are 330+ contrarian posts into the new forums. That's a lot for what you do here, and for somebody who's above it all. Of course that doesn't invalidate any points you make about others. But can you at least admit that you're a faggot?


#1 Poster
"Patrick is a loser!" - Unemployed drug addict who has spent the last three years looking at a stranger's twitter

Convict Wyzz

Shit poster/hole stretcher
"Patrick is a loser!" - Unemployed drug addict who has spent the last three years looking at a stranger's twitter

"You should only troll a 60 year old boomer who is the brother of an ex radio personality from a show that's been dead for 7 years" - Street shitter who was admittedly a virgin into his 20s and tells other people to have sex. Also simps for a 13 year old anime girl and stalks a community of people he "hates".

Legitimate pedophile above, folks.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
"Patrick is a loser!" - Unemployed drug addict who has spent the last three years looking at a stranger's twitter


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
unlike you we can accomplish this without Rape. Makes sense that you enjoyed going after (nominally) white old men like Joe, but get buttmad about anything pointing out that nobody wants or needs third world trash shitting up their country. It infuriates you that people like you contribute nothing and are totally unnecessary in a developed country, and that white people see you as inferior for glomming onto them instead of creating a functional society of your own