Pat stalkers are human garbage



Oh, my dear boomerniggerfaggot (with an extremely gay son), don't you see I've already won? In a thread started by CuntFucker, I've already made it about you being retarded, and you can't help but talk about me.

Your wife's vagina is my toilet, and don't you forget it, child.
Ok sure, you've won, because anything you say matters, or for that matter anything I say. I see no reason to waste others times on this.


Anime is for Faggots
my peepee looks like a bump

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Not so. He could subpoena Quasi and sue you.
Covidcumia is a lot like Rick in many ways, and the irony is lost on him. For starters, they're both admittedly fat.

Imagine taking a CuntFucker post seriously and responding in multiple paragraphs
IKR? The important thing is this: Indians will burn in Hell for their Hindu bullshit.
How can you make fun of anyone when you spend all day complaining about how "niggers and jews" are the reason your life is devoid of meaning? You need to stop being so resentful, make some real friends and go outside to touch the grass... this forum is a friend simulator for zeros.
Finally, someone posting something intelligent. You faggot should follow what this guy says. Thank God for @CuntFucker


I know. I say your wife's vagina is a septic tank, and your son's a cocksucking faggot, and there's nothing you can do about it. Of course I win.
Huh, do I know you, were you the guy standing in the shopping bag blowing dudes in the stall at the airport?


It's called Stockholm Syndrome. You feel you're associating with your captor, the one who owns you.
Not quite, but it was funny and you mean "Helsinki Syndrome" lol. You know because it isn't real. I had to ad that because you're dumb.

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