Overrated TV Shows


The closest comparison was the original "90210". It was so bad, it was actually funny. Not intentionally, like "Oz", but in a retarded way. There were countless LOL funny moments, like when the Peggy Bundy character smoked pot and drove and everything got all blurry and wavy. That Kurt Sutter guy would be complaining about not getting any Emmy nods and I'd just burst out laughing. And no show ever had worse music.
Memba when Henry Rollins raped her? They also gave him a subtle tattoo that read I HATE NIGGERS on it.


OP only likes shows with Ryan Gosling.




Deadwood for two main reasons: the rushed final season and the fucking tard who played Calamity Jane. I remember seeing folks praising her performance and I couldn’t believe it. She used a stereotypical snot-nosed retard voice that any child would do on the schoolyard and just yelled. I cannot even watch her on screen. Fast forward anything with her and the show is better. The woman who played Alma is awful too but she offends me less than Jane. Most other people in that show are pretty wonderfully cast imo. Even the perpetually angry for some reason Timothy Olyphant.
Thank you for this synopsis. Calamity Jane is fucking atrocious. Alma was so-so but she grew on me. Every other character/actor is great and the show is fantastic. Blame HBO for the show getting rushed/ruined in final season and with that abortion of a movie.


It's not overrated around here, but I always laugh whenever anyone tries to pretend that "Sons Of Anarchy" was anything but a goof.
The whole show was absolutely ridiculous. These guys turn a small town into a war zone involving the deaths of many police and feds and still are able to just go about their business for 7 seasons. RESPECT THE PATCH. Douchebags


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Don't know how Better Call Saul hasn't been mentioned yet. Doesn't get more overrated than that. It legitimately confuses me how seemingly everyone online and every single critic seems to love it.

Complete fucking convoluted, boring garbage from the start. I've never known a show that constantly felt like it was suddenly going to become interesting but never did. That final season too. So fucking weird with all the black and white and whole episodes dedicated to things that could've been done in 10 mins.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Overrated TV shows?

- Arrested Development. I literally watched the entire first season and did not laugh once. Show was pitched to me as being the "funniest show of all time".
I didn't laugh until Season 3. And even then I laughed like twice.

I think I only watched it because I was looking for Patrice O'Neal and missed him.

The Wire also had a slow start. I liked Season 4. And some of the quotes are good.

Game of Thrones was good for the acting, though from a direction standpoint, there are a lot of character reaction shots.

The US Office was OK, but the UK one was fucking great.