Norma buster calls herself a warrior because she has threesomes now

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
Ok explain that joke then. When have any of us seen what SpaceEdge fucks? The only explanation is that you thought he was the guy in the Philippines which obviously wasn’t him.
>be autist
>fail to understand standard banter
>angrily demand I explain why humor is funny
>assume I am the one who thought what only YOU were thinking

Behold the eternal redditard


>be autist
>fail to understand standard banter
>angrily demand I explain why humor is funny
>assume I am the one who thought what only YOU were thinking

Behold the eternal redditard
Nah dude, keep digging that hole. “We’ve seen what you fuck” isn’t banter that you would give to someone when you’ve never seen them or their woman. Just fucking own it.

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
Say you show some men 100 pictures of women, and get them to rank them in hotness on a scale of one to seven. On average they'll award seven out of seven to about six of the women, six out of seven to 15 of them, five out of seven to nineteen of them etc. The rankings follow a bell curve - most woman are of average attractiveness, and then that thins out at the high and low end of the scale. This matches other distributions for characteristics, like height and weight and IQ and income and Christ knows what else; and suggests that the men are making fair judgements.

On the other hand, women rate most men - 81% to be exact - as "below average"; and no men as a seven out of seven. This does not match other measurable characteristics, and suggests that women are (as Shane Gillis would say) "dogbrains" and that we should repeal the 19th Amendment.

Here's that graph again:

I forgot to mention the other thing:

Men’s pattern of sexual attraction does match a bell curve and this is a reasonable male reproductive strategy.

Women’s pattern of sexual attraction matches a hierarchical paradigm and this too is a reasonable reproductive strategy, for females (regardless of species).

Males have an imperative to spread our seed. We’ll fuck anything we find attractive, hence the bell curve. Females are wired to mate with the top male, hence the bottom-heaviness of their chart.

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
Nah dude, keep digging that hole. “We’ve seen what you fuck” isn’t banter that you would give to someone when you’ve never seen them or their woman. Just fucking own it.
>doesn’t deny being a Redditor
>insists I must have been thinking what he was thinking
>demonstrates autistic inability to conceive of traditional male banter

You really do have a nigger’s ribs. Hurtin

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
