Norma buster calls herself a warrior because she has threesomes now


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
You know, I consider myself pretty "sex positive" compared to most of you (or at least the incels) who demand a virginal Aryan jew-hating supermodel. But it goes back to the old rap lyric, "we want a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed". You wanna date a 6'6 black dude? Cool, don't get a queen of spades tattoo on your ankle. You went through a ho phase in college and sucked every dick you could? Sigh and laugh vaguely about "your wild years".

You want to find a decent, loving partner who values you? Don't be so damn sex-positive. Be some couple's little fucktoy for the night, then DON'T WRITE A FUCKING ARTICLE ABOUT IT. Keep all your slutty secrets to yourself, don't demand unconditional support and respect for telling them. Lady in the streets Norma, that's what guys want.
This is the next step of the slippery slope of feminism. They wanted to be slutty and not be questioned about it, now they want to openly rub it in our faces. And the next step is forcing us to accept that's just how women are.

You misunderstand. They would happily accept an attainable White girl with an acceptable body count, and teach her to hate jews (it’s not difficult).
That's the kind of Faggot simp shit I can't stand. This smooth brained argument that If you have any standards as a guy you want model. Anyone who finds themselves saying this should commit suicide at their earliest convenience
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Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Speaking of below average whores, this picture of Olivia Wilde stopped me in my tracks. Nice titty stretch marks with nothing to show for them, stupid.



posting here is taking time away from my workouts
I’d like to see her process for figuring out if a guy “respects” her.

Her understanding of the male mentality is infantile at best.

All guys do is lie to get laid. That’s literally our thing. I’m sure she can really wade through all the lies for the one twinky simp who “respects” her paralegal job.
I've never lied to get laid, if anything honesty works out much better.
Even as a male you can fall into the same pitfalls Norma here has, you should avoid that shit because your collective actions on these things form how you will deal with future relationships.

Also, clean your own room before I start crying!

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
I've never lied to get laid, if anything honesty works out much better.
Even as a male you can fall into the same pitfalls Norma here has, you should avoid that shit because your collective actions on these things form how you will deal with future relationships.

Also, clean your own room before I start crying!

I save the honesty for a woman desherving of reshpect!



What would you do for a Klondike bar?
I don't understand this chart. I's a stupid
Say you show some men 100 pictures of women, and get them to rank them in hotness on a scale of one to seven. On average they'll award seven out of seven to about six of the women, six out of seven to 15 of them, five out of seven to nineteen of them etc. The rankings follow a bell curve - most woman are of average attractiveness, and then that thins out at the high and low end of the scale. This matches other distributions for characteristics, like height and weight and IQ and income and Christ knows what else; and suggests that the men are making fair judgements.

On the other hand, women rate most men - 81% to be exact - as "below average"; and no men as a seven out of seven. This does not match other measurable characteristics, and suggests that women are (as Shane Gillis would say) "dogbrains" and that we should repeal the 19th Amendment.

Here's that graph again:


More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
Say you show some men 100 pictures of women, and get them to rank them in hotness on a scale of one to seven. On average they'll award seven out of seven to about six of the women, six out of seven to 15 of them, five out of seven to nineteen of them etc. The rankings follow a bell curve - most woman are of average attractiveness, and then that thins out at the high and low end of the scale. This matches other distributions for characteristics, like height and weight and IQ and income and Christ knows what else; and suggests that the men are making fair judgements.

On the other hand, women rate most men - 81% to be exact - as "below average"; and no men as a seven out of seven. This does not match other measurable characteristics, and suggests that women are (as Shane Gillis would say) "dogbrains" and that we should repeal the 19th Amendment.

Here's that graph again:


More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
Say you show some men 100 pictures of women, and get them to rank them in hotness on a scale of one to seven. On average they'll award seven out of seven to about six of the women, six out of seven to 15 of them, five out of seven to nineteen of them etc. The rankings follow a bell curve - most woman are of average attractiveness, and then that thins out at the high and low end of the scale. This matches other distributions for characteristics, like height and weight and IQ and income and Christ knows what else; and suggests that the men are making fair judgements.

On the other hand, women rate most men - 81% to be exact - as "below average"; and no men as a seven out of seven. This does not match other measurable characteristics, and suggests that women are (as Shane Gillis would say) "dogbrains" and that we should repeal the 19th Amendment.

Here's that graph again:

In all seriousness - and please understand that I am an anti-simp and coldly aware of the way women are - these two charts don’t prove that women have goofy standards and in fact I don’t believe women, as vexing as they are, are off base for what this chart shows. It’s more likely that most men on OkCupid are of below average attractiveness:

Most of the women on sites/apps like that are single because they’re impossible to sustain a relationship with. A minority are too fat and/or ugly and/or old.

Most of the men on sites/apps like that are single because they’re unattractive to women, or, lack the nerve to hit on women in person, and lack of nerve is also unattractive to women, and they can see it in your photos.

I was using the site when this graph was made and I looked through men’s profiles (no homo) to see what the competition was doing. Women aren’t wrong. Most guys are pretty meh.

The real problem is that technology (radio, tv, movies, internet - all of which have been co-opted and subverted by jews) has shown women a vast array of seemingly attractive men. Women operate on a consensus algorithm and - thanks to constant exposure to hot men - now see most men as below average.

Ted Kaczynski was right: the consequences of the industrial revolution have been a disaster for the human race.

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
Why do so many retards think space edge and Josiah are the same person? @SpaceEdge sounds like a plumber from Oklahoma.
Me: makes joke about the quality of what SpaceEdge fucks
DCredditGuy: instantly thinks of Josiah, claims I was the one doing it, calls me the retard

What’s it like triggering yourself?


Me: makes joke about the quality of what SpaceEdge fucks
DCredditGuy: instantly thinks of Josiah, claims I was the one doing it, calls me the retard

What’s it like triggering yourself?
Ok explain that joke then. When have any of us seen what SpaceEdge fucks? The only explanation is that you thought he was the guy in the Philippines which obviously wasn’t him.