Norma buster calls herself a warrior because she has threesomes now

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡



  1. a person who survives, especially a person remaining alive after an event in which others have died:
    "the sole survivor of the massacre"

A survivor is someone who was at risk of dying, but lived. She didn’t SURVIVE stalking and having her naked videos shown online any more than I survived waiting for my eggs à la Francaise.
Eventually, I realized I was ready to make a bold change and take control of my sex life — to cast shame and expectations aside. I began to demand equity in the bedroom, which meant the people I slept with needed to see me as an equal in the world, outside of sex — even if our connection was based on sex. I needed to know the person inside me respected me.
They love that equity buzzword. For the last part, she could try a decent man instead of chasing bad boys like she probably did when she was younger or being a third wheel in a likely dysfunctional relationship like she’s doing now.
Crazy talk I know.

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
They love that equity buzzword. For the last part, she could try a decent man instead of chasing bad boys like she probably did when she was younger or being a third wheel in a likely dysfunctional relationship like she’s doing now.
Crazy talk I know.
I’d like to see her process for figuring out if a guy “respects” her.

Her understanding of the male mentality is infantile at best.

All guys do is lie to get laid. That’s literally our thing. I’m sure she can really wade through all the lies for the one twinky simp who “respects” her paralegal job.
I’d like to see her process for figuring out if a guy “respects” her.

Her understanding of the male mentality is infantile at best.

All guys do is lie to get laid. That’s literally our thing. I’m sure she can really wade through all the lies for the one twinky simp who “respects” her paralegal job.
She wants casual sex with men and women in open relationships yet also wants a partner. She wants to be a victim so that her random hookups can help her heal but not be a victim because she’s a warrior instead. And everyone must respect her.
So the typical have her cake and eat it too mentality of the modern woman.

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
I’d like to see her process for figuring out if a guy “respects” her.

Her understanding of the male mentality is infantile at best.

All guys do is lie to get laid. That’s literally our thing. I’m sure she can really wade through all the lies for the one twinky simp who “respects” her paralegal job.
Pleb mistake. Patrician womanizers don’t lie. Tell them you’re married, unemployed, broke, live in a vehicle, whatever, just don’t lie. More pussy and way fewer problems.

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
She wants casual sex with men and women in open relationships yet also wants a partner. She wants to be a victim so that her random hookups can help her heal but not be a victim because she’s a warrior instead. And everyone must respect her.
So the typical have her cake and eat it too mentality of the modern woman.
This, plus the desire to be able to deny accountability for her choices


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
You know, I consider myself pretty "sex positive" compared to most of you (or at least the incels) who demand a virginal Aryan jew-hating supermodel. But it goes back to the old rap lyric, "we want a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed". You wanna date a 6'6 black dude? Cool, don't get a queen of spades tattoo on your ankle. You went through a ho phase in college and sucked every dick you could? Sigh and laugh vaguely about "your wild years".

You want to find a decent, loving partner who values you? Don't be so damn sex-positive. Be some couple's little fucktoy for the night, then DON'T WRITE A FUCKING ARTICLE ABOUT IT. Keep all your slutty secrets to yourself, don't demand unconditional support and respect for telling them. Lady in the streets Norma, that's what guys want.