Norma buster calls herself a warrior because she has threesomes now


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
Welcome to The Single Files. Each installment of Refinery29's bi-monthly column will feature a personal essay that explores the experiences of being single right now. Have your own idea you'd like to submit? Email [email protected].

Jesus Christ, not again with fucking vice!
what is it with vice and this shit?! I thought they hit a peak when they did a doc on having sex with donkeys, but obviously that was just the tip of the vice news fetish list


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan


Welcome to [URL='']The Single Files[/URL]. Each installment of Refinery29's bi-monthly column will feature a personal essay that explores the experiences of being single right now. Have your own idea you'd like to submit? Email [email protected].

Jesus Christ, not again with fucking vice!
what is it with vice and this shit?! I thought they hit a peak when they did a doc on having sex with donkeys, but obviously that was just the tip of the vice news fetish list
Where is this Donkey fucking doc, for research?