Norma buster calls herself a warrior because she has threesomes now

Malibu Pat

Apocalyptic prophylactic
Looks like comments are open on her blog

Edit- You can add pictures if you find it necessary

fat cunty bitch (and it's not Pat this time).PNG
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Harry Powell

Honestly I’m disgusted by (((whorish))) women's sexuality at this point.

"men are frightened of sexually empowered women!"

No. I'm saddened by the reduction of something intimate to something cheap and empty with no regard for consequence.

and yes, you are promiscuous because you're damaged. You're in denial right now, but you'll see it when you're 45.



If she's so brave and strong and powerful why can't she get over her shit already.
"I was about to have a threesome with two good-looking strangers, but paused dramatically on the rooftop to recall my long, boring experience with stalking and harassment"