Nana and Missy have a 3AM meltdown on Cozy!

Why fuck a hot 30 year old all night when you can play videogames against children. Oh yeah because he is gay.
Why fuck a broke, busted, 61 year-old, lipless, closeted, alcoholic, disheveled, lazy, balding, pedophilic, ghoul during the waning prime years of your life, Missy? It’s only ever going to get worse.

Why Missy? Why!
Why fuck a broke, busted, 61 year-old, lipless, closeted, alcoholic, disheveled, lazy, balding, pedophilic, ghoul during the waning prime years of your life, Missy?

I'd wager she hasn't given him so much as a handjob in three months. She was probably a little aggro last time around and pulled a bit hard and now Cumia is scared she'll rip it off.
Ant talking about how happy he is to be on and how he'll be reaching out to someone to help him set up super chats is even sadder than the Missy confrontation.

Major media companies used to pay you to compete with Howard Stern, now incels will tip you $3 to make wig remarks.

Just walk away. Aren't you retirement age anyway? STOP BROADCASTING YOU FUCKING NIMROD!
I’m 8 minutes in and he won’t stop whining and pouting. He immediately revealed his true desires, talking about going gay and fucking men in the ass.
Yup heard that too. He also says at some point and I’m not sure what it references exactly but he says, “I’d do that if I was really the person you think I am.” It was a reply to chat, probably someone said to kill her. It’s telling though that he admits his persona is built entirely on falsehoods.


hard drive full of CP media
The fallout starts from the beginning as Nana's previous stream was cut off out of nowhere. He comes back on live and tells everyone that Missy, tired of hearing him chimping out over COD as he plays kids old enough to be his grandchildren and being kept awake all night, had gotten out of bed and pulled the cables outta the router.
Nana spends the rest of the stream enraged at "fucking guuurls" and how they "don't get it", saying he's done with her and looking over and snarling at Missy Muscle's bedroom door.

Most tellingly, all the previous whoopin' & hootin' as if the apartment walls weren't made of paper is gone. When he comes back, he tells his dozens of viewers how much he wishes he was gay in a soft, almost whispery voice.

'Why can't I play video games until 10 am'.

His girlfriend has to work and doesn't want to deal with this shit. She also understands living like a vampire streaming video games and retarded political takes on isn't good for the 61-year-old Nana or their relationship. But she also needs to understand he isn't ever going to change.

Cumia is going to die alone.

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
I used to stay up all night and play video games sometimes when I was a teenager. If I'm up until 2am+ now it's because I have tomorrow off and the kids are at daycare. Even then, I'm usually asleep at a reasonable hour so I can clean the house and shit.

This guy has fucking NOTHING. The vampiric sleeping hours are just a red flag for how fucked up he is mentally. He broadcasts drunken COD and his domestic fights because he is lonely and afraid. Better to be embarrassingly viewed by 300 people than to be left with your own thoughts.

Also, Missy is fuckable. Stop pretending she isn't. Post some pics from her social media so I can drain my balls.

Harry Powell

I used to stay up all night and play video games sometimes when I was a teenager. If I'm up until 2am+ now it's because I have tomorrow off and the kids are at daycare. Even then, I'm usually asleep at a reasonable hour so I can clean the house and shit.

This guy has fucking NOTHING. The vampiric sleeping hours are just a red flag for how fucked up he is mentally. He broadcasts drunken COD and his domestic fights because he is lonely and afraid. Better to be embarrassingly viewed by 300 people than to be left with your own thoughts.

Also, Missy is fuckable. Stop pretending she isn't. Post some pics from her social media so I can drain my balls.
I think Missy is attractive. I’m not sure I could bang her without being drunk though, just knowing she let Nana be inside her at some point.
I think Missy is attractive. I’m not sure I could bang her without being drunk though, just knowing she let Nana be inside her at some point.
I think she’s reasonably attractive. About a 6.5 which is perfectly fine and above average. She’s also much more personable on twitch. She’ll acknowledge each person in chat, she even will acknowledge the trolls aka the rascals from here for a bit. She only cuts them off if it goes on and on. She’s too good for this life she has now with him. I wish her well, no BS.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me

going to take forever to upload these cause my internet sucks right now but this is where I'll be archiving all his streams, got his test stream up already and am 20% uploaded on his stream from july 3rd. I'm uploading them in order so don't expect to see last night's streams up until way later today

i suggest bitchute, see if its any faster?