Nana and Missy have a 3AM meltdown on Cozy!

I love how miserable he is. You can hear the defeat in his voice.
Game Over.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor

The fallout starts from the beginning as Nana's previous stream was cut off out of nowhere. He comes back on live and tells everyone that Missy, tired of hearing him chimping out over COD as he plays kids old enough to be his grandchildren and being kept awake all night, had gotten out of bed and pulled the cables outta the router.

Nana spits on his own floor in disgust at 4:10. I'm not joking.

17:15 Missy gets out of bed again and turns the lights off in the apartment, telling Nana that it's 3AM and she's sick of it.

Nana spends the rest of the stream enraged at "fucking guuurls" and how they "don't get it", saying he's done with her and looking over and snarling at Missy Muscle's bedroom door.

Fuck, this nigga's life is sad! Aint it fun, Ant?

What's with this mother fucker and spitting indoors? Jesus christ that's a revolting habit.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Yes Anthony. The cool kids are on

If you were trying to dress like a 21 year old and going to bars in college towns, tailgates, other shit like I could almost respect that. Mid (late) life crisis manifesting like this makes sense…you want to hang out with the bros and be a cool kid again

But instead you’ve decided to try to fit in with the most pathetic people in society. People who make fat disgusting trannies on disability look cool.

Great job radio legend