May I ask a favor?


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
I would also like to ask a favor. I’ll try to keep this brief. Ive been messaging anyone and everyone who can help. Im new to OnAForums. In fact I signed up just for this purpose. I know this might be a long shot by asking but I have nothing to lose. I understand u might not give a shit. Thats perfectly fine. I have to set this up a bit so u can understand. Im 16. I have been an O&A fanboy my entire life. My fav O&A bit ever was during jocktober when listeners attacked the facebook page of the station getting goofed on. Ok here goes. Heres the kinda help im looking for. I need to find someone with a little bit of clout online…My dad died when I was 6. My mom hasn't really dated until recently. Last month she met this fucking scum bag at her new job. His name is Shawn. Long story short 2 weeks ago while I was at school they had an argument and Shawn beat the living shit out of her. Of course police reports were filed but no arrests. He is MIA. Nobody knows where he is. Im not stupid I know the more time that passes more likely he wont get caught. It's been 2 to 3 weeks now. The police will only do so much. I know sooner or later he could get picked up by the police but maybe not. The fact is he got to fuck and then beat my mom and got away with it. The other day I just so happened to look at his FB page and I noticed hes still updating. I was filled with rage! I was getting more angry by the minute looking at his gay FB page. I felt helpless. What can I do? I'm 16 the guy is 48. He can kick my ass probably. It just kills me to think nothing is going to happen to this fuck head. And then it hit me…I thought to myself wouldnt it be great if his FB page was attacked in true O&A fashion? I'm not a social media user. I dont know dick about the internet. I asked myself where could I go for help to organize something like that? The O&A subreddit! I know reddit is full of ppl who know their way around photoshop with great imagination. The pictures of this guy on his FB are a plenty! And hes black too. I know they would have fun with that! Hes even FB friends with his mother! I want it to hurt when this CUNT sees his FB page. I want to fuck him up mentally. This is personal. Thats the kind of help im looking for. If thats u or you know someone who can pls message me back. Again I want to reiterate that I know you could be too busy or not even care Im hoping someone finds enough pity for me to help. This might seem stupid or even petty to you but I cant wait for karma. This guy at the very least deserves to get his ass kicked. This was the only way I know of to fuck with his life a little bit. I know he'll see it.
you got it bruv, good vibes from me. I'm healthily serious.

I'm gonna read a couple of your post to help focus-in the good energy... let's hope I don't hate you (I'm sure we'll be fine)

Let us take a rational view: the fact you believe this might help (&some of us oblige) might affect your actions subconsciously & reach the tipping-point where the sick person feels enough will to live where they push-through the illness. God bless.


CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
I know we all like to have some laughs and bust balls but if such wouldn't be a misuse of the forum may I ask for a favor.

Someone in my family had a serious medical issue yesterday - Kinda in a holding pattern at the moment as they run several tests.

If it's okay may I ask that anyone who feels like it please take a moment to say a prayer for my mother, think a positive thought, send some good vibrations - it can't hurt right?

Thank you
I and the forms are with you brother. I am praying that the Lord protects your mother from evils and sickness, Stay strong brother.


I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High
I offer you the highest tier of thoughts and prayers: a picture of Tony Danza's mule.



How does that feel?!
Going through the same with my mom right now. Hope it works out for you guys.

I am also sorry to hear that - all my thoughts and prayers to anyone who is or might end up dealing with such a situation.

Thank you - everyone. maybe it's the wine that is making me a bit emotional but all the positive words really are moving and do mean a lot to me. I guess it's in the hands of the big man upstairs now but with the knowledge of all the good brothamen out there it makes every hour that much easier to get through.



I think, apart from a few actual psychos, most of us aren't real life scumbags. We're just larping. Hope your mom gets well brotherman.

I noticed @Opesterino never ribbed this post. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he hasn't seen it yet. If nothing has changed by the same time tomorrow, making me lose face, some "stuff" will have to be said about a certain someone's parent.

Edit - cheers brothaman!
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