Lucy Lawless Appreciation Thread


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Call me. I DMed you my real number. Like I said my mother is in a wheelchair, we could talk it out.
Nice fake textnow phone number litcrit tards use to fuck with Pat, stupid.

I'm supposed to believe your name is Jordan Humphrey and you live in Detroit, Michigan, lol.

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Five Sink Gangster Cribs
By the way, a geisha is Japanese not Chinese. Congratulations you're even retarded on pop culture.
Disrespecting foreign cultures by conflating countries is funny and intentional. If you asked him to list five BRICS countries while getting punched (Proud Boys reference, connected to Anthony Cumias via his network), he'd name them in no time


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Disrespecting foreign cultures by conflating countries is funny and intentional. If you asked him to list five BRICS countries while getting punched (Proud Boys reference, connected to Anthony Cumias via his network), he'd name them in no time
Fuck the proud boys, this is how you get initiated into the gassers army.


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
He also belongs in prison for the pictures of his sad little pencil dick he posted around here.

No wonder he's so deranged, having been born with such a pathetic piece broke his mind.

The rape and pedophilia did all stem from this fact.
Well he sounds like a pedo, and everyone knows about my opinion of pedophiles and pedophile protectors.
  • Deleted by ShutYourCakeHorn
And yeah okay cake I admit that your posts were pinned so you seemed important and I kind of read into all the stuff that you had posted before and saw you were a cripple.

Excuse me for creepin your profile and trying to make a friend.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Well fuck you too, fag.

I'm an AVGN fan over an Opie and Anthony one. You know who the AVGN is right? He's the guy who still gets millions of views while your heroes die in obscurity.

Just remember I tried to be nice because you seemed to be nice. You want to fuck, cake horn? Let's fuck. But I guarantee you I already won, because what I enjoy is still making millions on YouTube. Your losers are raping little girls in obscurity.

AVGN has been lazy and shitty for years, your idol is an unfunny faggot.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
I'm not trying to be a Chinese woman, I'm a white guy because that's what I am. I just thought the name ugly Geisha was funny and it wasn't taken on Xbox. I'm not an alt this is my first adventure into your guys's message board. But I know if I go I have to go hard. Especially since I'm an AVGN fan I've only been an Opie and Anthony fan for a couple of months.

by the way, a geisha is Japanese not Chinese. Congratulations you're even retarded on pop culture.

Geisha’s aren’t ‘pop culture’ nigger. Your cultural appropriation has me literally shaking right now.