Looks like Pat is not getting any closer to finishing his awful works in progress


Stand Alone Fruit
Pretty clear Niki’s mom had enough of his laying around doing nothing so now he has to do jobs around the house.


He’s learned to not put his fat head and body in the shadow

What a dump!


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy

This one is clearly the worst of the two chairs. Your ass is basically touching grass and the back recline is like a coach airplane seat. My neck hurts just looking at it.

Patrick if you're reading this, please take a break and sit in this chair for like 2 minutes while you check twitter. See how long it takes for the backpain to start.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
View attachment 122588

This one is clearly the worst of the two chairs. Your ass is basically touching grass and the back recline is like a coach airplane seat. My neck hurts just looking at it.

Patrick if you're reading this, please take a break and sit in this chair for like 2 minutes while you check twitter. See how long it takes for the backpain to start.
Look at that angle! It's like sitting in a gyno chair! Hahahahah