Little Mermaid is a nigger now:



Why didn’t they ask Christina to play Ariel? They motherfucked her! It’s an outrage!



I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I am not really that racist, but for some reason black people, when left to their own devices film wise, suck

They never rise above being black. find me one all black movie about some regular shit

its always got some subtle to not subtle political undertones that hijack the narrative every fucking time

tell me im wrong


i take it back, the 70’s had some cool black movies


I have a face like a shovel
it's like I'm not some homo lefty but I need to some of you guys genuinely get angry about this stuff, or are you just providing fodder for the forum? If it's the latter, then I totally understand....we need stuff to talk about here- I get it...However, if it's the former then you should jerk off because you have a lot of built up cum that's making you bitter

seriously- you think some 6'4, shredded dude with a square jaw gives a shit about any of this?.......

yeah-----WE GET IT....."blah blah blah blackwashing"...."blah blah blah all gingers are now black"

seriously- kids don't give a shit about "wokeness" in pop culture.

only bitter, old white guys do


it's like I'm not some homo lefty but I need to some of you guys genuinely get angry about this stuff, or are you just providing fodder for the forum? If it's the latter, then I totally understand....we need stuff to talk about here- I get it...However, if it's the former then you should jerk off because you have a lot of built up cum that's making you bitter

seriously- you think some 6'4, shredded dude with a square jaw gives a shit about any of this?.......

yeah-----WE GET IT....."blah blah blah blackwashing"...."blah blah blah all gingers are now black"

seriously- kids don't give a shit about "wokeness" in pop culture.

only bitter, old white guys do
I'm at the point I don't get angry at it I just roll my eyes and move on. It's just so tiresome at this point to give a care anymore.