Leave Dan ALOOOONNE!!!!


nice uterus, stupid



nice uterus, stupid
Take this shit even more seriously, dude.
LOL. In 3 posts I demonstrated how WUSS-like you are. So yes, you guys had nothing to do with handing Dan some humble pie, and its pretty comical seeing you prance and spam the forum like you're not some meek little nothings.

You're a little weasely, weak bitch. Nobody's taking this seriously except your butt boy Ricci Lawless. Scroll up you fish brained dolt.


LOL. In 3 posts I demonstrated how WUSS-like you are. So yes, you guys had nothing to do with handing Dan some humble pie, and its pretty comical seeing you prance and spam the forum like you're not some meek little nothings.

You're a little weasely, weak bitch. Nobody's taking this seriously except your butt boy Ricci Lawless. Scroll up you fish brained dolt.

When did i ever claim to be ‘somebody’, stupid? This is a forum dedicated to a defunct radio show that went of the air 8 years ago and trolling a fat autistic pig from Milwaukee. You think i take any of this shit seriously? Stop being the forum gestapo.


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This is one of the most skeeviest, snake-yiest, weakling, thing I've witnessed. I wish I could break things down to a micro level like Mike David, but this is a demonstration of an immense character flaw.

The whole alliance thing is autism on a level that deserves more clowning than a try-hard Podcaster.

Having a conscience apparently is a real character flaw. I know you’re only allowed to be a stone cold sociopath around here. I’m done.