Leave Dan ALOOOONNE!!!!

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
The only kook is someone who literally is a one hit pony. You have absolutely no depth, NADA. I tried my best to humanize ya, but you might as well be a bot. ZZZzzz. My toe clippings are more interesting than you, I pegged it to being Dutch but it can't be, because a normal Dutch dude wouldn't be here, he'd be in some Ajax vs Feyenoord football forum or sumptin.

Call it back stabbing or whatever, but I've been patronizing to ya and it ends today, weirdo.


Take your fucking meds, you passive agressive backstabbing little cunt.

I'm starting to believe you're as schizophrenic as Bam, fucking kook.

You were so kind to him? Whhaa happened? Why did he turn on his good friend?