Leave Dan ALOOOONNE!!!!

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
He should have stayed and took his licks, I’d have more respect for him. Getting doxed and having people say not-so-nice shit about you comes with the territory when you do an internet drama show. More so when you’re an egotistical prick! If you can’t handle it, don’t do it!

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I just want to say on behalf of The Alliance that all non-Alliance members are scum and will be kissing our Dutch asses forever.




He should have stayed and took his licks, I’d have more respect for him. Getting doxed and having people say not-so-nice shit about you comes with the territory when you do an internet drama show. More so when you’re an egotistical prick! If you can’t handle it, don’t do it!
Would you stick around if you looked like him, your bread and butter was making fun of Fat's appearance and then your likeness came out. Naive me, I thought his twitter avatar was a self-mocking "I look like a mong but I don't care" bit. Now we know it was the best photo he ever took. The fact that his "9 maybe a 10" wife is...not that (I'm being nice) is humiliation station stuff. He's so far from how he presented himself so it's not a big surprise really. Fat mong


You really are no different from Dan, searching for old posts to try to throw other forum members under the bus, this says more about you than The Alliance.

Real scumbag tactics.

Dan used to do that? He needed to do more of it...it might have worked.

Im just saying, the Alliance should not take credit or act like you deserve credit for his podcast's disappearance. AT BEST he thought of you guys as a nuisance.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Dan used to do that? He needed to do more of it...it might have worked.

Im just saying, y'all should not take credit or act like you deserve credit for his podcast's disappearance. AT BEST he thought of yous as a nuisance.
You are really showing your true colors right now, scumbag.

I could try to find old posts by you, but you deleted your old account like a faggot, because you where so ashamed of your post history.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
Would you stick around if you looked like him, your bread and butter was making fun of Fat's appearance and then your likeness came out. Naive me, I thought his twitter avatar was a self-mocking "I look like a mong but I don't care" bit. Now we know it was the best photo he ever took. The fact that his "9 maybe a 10" wife is...not that (I'm being nice) is humiliation station stuff. He's so far from how he presented himself so it's not a big surprise really. Fat mong
This is not a fair question because if I looked like Dan I would have shot myself the moment I could buy a gun!