Don't go people in the US go broke over cancer treatment? I'm very tired of hearing about the plight of those he/she faggots.
It's absolutely shameful tbh. I know because Ireland is a small country we can have universal health care. Like if I have insurance I get a nice room or non serious issues dealt with sooner, but if I've cancer it's the same doctor and all. Because all consultants like oncologists and surgeons are legally required to work publicly a certain number of days per week.
Having a baby is free. Ambulance is free, broken bones etc is free.
Medicine, well if you work you pay a maximum of 144€ a month, but you get tax credits for that. Now certain medicines like psychiatric medicine is free no matter what. I think that now includes ssris and maois even. Things like Ventalin inhalers are free if you are bad. Nebulisers etc are free.
Now if I'm poor or on the dole I get a medical card which covers my GP visits, a good chunk of dentistry and glasses etc. And all prescriptions on medical card are 2.50€.
I read a while ago a heartbreaking story about a young couple who were totally vanilla by the book folk. Studied hard, got the degree, got the safe boring job, saved saved saved, lived frugally to pay back student loans etc... Then one of em got cancer. Of course the insurance pulled a fast one and after a while they had to pay for treatment. It bankrupted them.
The post was saying like 'we fucking DID what these politicians and society WANTS us to do, pay taxes, get a degree, buy a house, vote, help in the community, support America, but we got absolutely chewed up and spat out and nobody gives a fuck'... Trying to find it, it was really hard hitting.
When there are people dying of shit they didn't bring on it really boils my blood that huge gluttonous fat fucks and now warped screeching entitled cunts can leech off the system and pull money away from people who need it.
If a tranny wants rid of Adams apple or the chop, let them work and pay for it. If they want medication then pay for it.
Like I ain't THAT much of a heartless cunt, say if a woman gets alopecia or something and a hair transplant can help, yeah provide funding for that. Because it's better than then years of therapy and medication for the anxiety and depression it could cause. If a poor kid or person is in a fire, yeah provide cosmetic surgery.
But for some 18 Yr old muppet, never had a job, never left home, lives in twitter echo chamber... For funds to go to that because 'my feelings' over treatment for cancer or alzeimers...
I'd rather go to Saudi!