Kike Hate Thread


Gen Z Boss And A Mini

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
Watch a rabbi get clowned by his own comment section on a Jew site!

Relevant side note:

This paragraph stuck out to me:

Rep. Rothman asserted that Ahmadinejad had expressed the desire to "wipe Israel off the map" in an October 2005 speech and had made subsequent comments of a similar nature. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), expressing her support for the bill, stated: "Let us be clear, [Ahmadinejad] is calling for the genocide of Jews."

I said to myself "Two politicians. Both happen to be not just Zionists but jews. What a surprise."

But then I thought "Maybe 'Ileana' isn't a jewish first name and maybe 'Ros' isn't a jewish name after all. Let's see."

Every source said she's Catholic, Cuban, and Hispanic, and the first sources I looked up said that Ros is a Hispanic name.

But looky here:

Her "maternal grandparents were Sephardic Jews, originally from the Ottoman Empire, who had been active in Cuba's Jewish community."
"Her mother later converted to Catholicism to marry her father."

Hold on. Both her mom's parents were jews? Funny way of saying "Her mom was a jew." That's like saying "both of George Takei's maternal grandparents were Japanese."

AND her mother was religiously jewish her entire life until she got married. Just say her mother was a jew, jeez.

So since jewish ethnicity is matrilineal, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is straight up ethnic jewish. But is her dad Hispanic too, like they say?

Yep, Cuban! Hispanic! Except, wait, Ros turns out to be a jewish name related to Rosh, Ross, and Rosen. And there's a jewish population in Latin America with that name.

So both this woman's parents are jewish.

Which brings us full circle. Rep. Rothman and Rep. Ros-Lehtinen ARE both jews, 2% of the population, who just happened to get embedded in the US government and just happen to be bloodthirsty Zionists.

Really makes you think.

P.s. Ileana was was also the first Republican Rep in the House to support same sex marriage. A true "conservative" who wants gays to marry and Mexicans to brown our nation, as long as they do these things LEGALLY.
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Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Relevant side note:

This paragraph stuck out to me:

Rep. Rothman asserted that Ahmadinejad had expressed the desire to "wipe Israel off the map" in an October 2005 speech and had made subsequent comments of a similar nature. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), expressing her support for the bill, stated: "Let us be clear, [Ahmadinejad] is calling for the genocide of Jews."

I said to myself "Two politicians. Both happen to be not just Zionists but jews. What a surprise."

But then I thought "Maybe 'Ileana' isn't a jewish first name and maybe 'Ros' isn't a jewish name after all. Let's see."

Every source said she's Catholic, Cuban, and Hispanic, and the first sources I looked up said that Ros is a Hispanic name.

But looky here:

Her "maternal grandparents were Sephardic Jews, originally from the Ottoman Empire, who had been active in Cuba's Jewish community."
"Her mother later converted to Catholicism to marry her father."

Hold on. Both her mom's parents were jews? Funny way of saying "Her mom was a jew." That's like saying "both of George Takei's maternal grandparents were Japanese."

AND her mother was religiously jewish her entire life until she got married. Just say her mother was a jew, jeez.

So since jewish ethnicity is matrilineal, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is straight up ethnic jewish. But is her dad Hispanic too, like they say?

Nope, Cuban! Hispanic! Except, wait, Ros turns out to be a jewish name related to Rosh, Ross, and Rosen.

So both this woman's parents are jewish.

Which brings us full circle. Rep. Rothman and Rep. Ros-Lehtinen ARE both jews, 2% of the population, who just happened to get embedded in the US government and just happen to be bloodthirsty Zionists.

Really makes you think.

P.s. Ileana was was also the first Republican Rep in the House to support same sex marriage. A true "conservative" who wants gays to marry and Mexicans to brown our nation, as long as they do these things LEGALLY.

That quote from Ahmadinejad is also another Jewish lie.


More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡


The narration isn't great but isn't bad. Before this I could only find horrible text to speech versions so it's a big step up. The whole book is up on this channel.
Been listening further and this guy seems to have the vocabulary of a sixteen year old. It's still better than text to speech but he definitely butchers a lot of terms.