Kike Hate Thread

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
If you look at Stalin's bio...exactly like Donald Trump: a shabbat goyim who couldnt wait to wed his children to Jews (and the Jews he allowed in his circle would eventually poison him, the Don should take heed of that tidbit).
I don't know if he visits this thread that often so you should probably @ him so he reads it

@Carl Winslow , hey Don you see this?

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I guess everyone was a nigger before supermarkets started making the customers do the work that the employees used to do, like first bagging their own groceries, and then self checkouts, and all the other free labor that customers are now expected to do on behalf of the employees. You might say that self checkouts are optional, but when a place like Walmart only has one or two full-service check out lanes open, that's debatable. Do you think any adult over a certain age is going to be fine with doing free labor that no customer ever used to have to do, especially when customers keep paying more and more while the employees keep doing less and less yet minimum wage is higher than ever. My first job was minimum wage, which was $3.15 per hour in Connecticut. Adjusted for inflation that's $8.74. Connecticut's minimum wage is now $15, almost double what I was earning in today's dollars. Yet retail customer service is way shittier now and customers are expected to do way more of their work. I think some of my anger is justified.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
She's still a bit too sexualized with her fashions for my taste but I'm a girl so..

I like to think this is where we'd be at if Hitler won (or, more accurately, if Marxism/communism/kikery didn't):



It was difficult finding an image where a model wasn't posing all slutty. There's such little wholesomeness and modesty out there anymore.

I can't wait until this is me and my husband:


This last picture reminded me of this old man back in the day in my neighborhood that everyday would sit on his porch reading the newspaper, the only difference is that he rested his legs on top of the dog, which always made me laugh.

Dogs can sense evil.


"- Get away from me, you jew!"