Kike Hate Thread


#1 Poster
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Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Oy vey! I've finally made through all the pages, now it's time to go back and finish watching a couple of longer videos, maybe go through it again and try and properly archive everything I can.

Some good literature to savour as well.

I'm doing some independent digging myself and so far the most common reaction to the findings is this:


This rabbi hole is much deeper than I thought.
It never ends.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
There's a fat smelly indian promoting us on twitter!
Hi Jackie!
And Jackie, learn simple math. It's been two years. Not one.
View attachment 134311
A pajeet that is no good at math. Shocker.

Hi Jackie. Go ahead and try to find the 'hateful' speech here that is completely incorrect and also uncorrected. Tell the world what exactly it is we are saying about the chosen ones.

Maybe you'll be smart and split up with that guy of yours...IIRC he's also a member of the tribe.

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan