Joe Cumias DD214


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!

Now this I have missed.



Don't thank the felon, Keith
| As: IntlectualHomosexual Lenght: 1543 Characters Date: 2019-04-03 09:34:58 (UTC) Sub: opieandanthony |

I didn’t. Want to see my DD214? I volunteered at the Huntington NY recruiting office after quitting my job and breaking up with my GF at the time. Made squad leader and Platoon guide within 2 weeks in basic and AIT respectively at Ft. Sill OK. Received unit citation from the CO there. . Was honor graduate from Jump school at Ft. Benning GA. Went to the communications school at the FATC at Ft. Sill. 31V was my MOS. Tactical communication op/mech (learned to repair and operate radios) which after airborne training and placement with the 82nd Airborne Division became a 31V1P, which meant I got to jump out of C130’s with a radio strapped to my back. I worked the rest of my hitch at a motor pool at Fort Bragg NC taking care of radios in Sheridan tanks and remaining on jump status until I was Honorably Discharged. I signed on for a 7 year total contract. 3 years active duty, 4 years inactive reserves. While at Bragg I Took the PT and psych test for Ranger Training, passed them both, but they wanted me to re-up for 10 more years active duty to receive the training. I opted out because i didn’t want to be a career military man. I received my GED while in Basic Training.

Fact: I never peeled a single potato. Scrubbed a few latrines during basic, but so did everyone else.

Never saw any combat. I was In during peace time post-Vietnam and pre- Middle East. ‘79-‘82 active. Played music with a group of black guys in the day room during my time I was at Fort Bragg. Realized I wanted to play guitar for a living during that time.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
| As: IntlectualHomosexual Lenght: 1543 Characters Date: 2019-04-03 09:34:58 (UTC) Sub: opieandanthony |

I didn’t. Want to see my DD214? I volunteered at the Huntington NY recruiting office after quitting my job and breaking up with my GF at the time. Made squad leader and Platoon guide within 2 weeks in basic and AIT respectively at Ft. Sill OK. Received unit citation from the CO there. . Was honor graduate from Jump school at Ft. Benning GA. Went to the communications school at the FATC at Ft. Sill. 31V was my MOS. Tactical communication op/mech (learned to repair and operate radios) which after airborne training and placement with the 82nd Airborne Division became a 31V1P, which meant I got to jump out of C130’s with a radio strapped to my back. I worked the rest of my hitch at a motor pool at Fort Bragg NC taking care of radios in Sheridan tanks and remaining on jump status until I was Honorably Discharged. I signed on for a 7 year total contract. 3 years active duty, 4 years inactive reserves. While at Bragg I Took the PT and psych test for Ranger Training, passed them both, but they wanted me to re-up for 10 more years active duty to receive the training. I opted out because i didn’t want to be a career military man. I received my GED while in Basic Training.

Fact: I never peeled a single potato. Scrubbed a few latrines during basic, but so did everyone else.

Never saw any combat. I was In during peace time post-Vietnam and pre- Middle East. ‘79-‘82 active. Played music with a group of black guys in the day room during my time I was at Fort Bragg. Realized I wanted to play guitar for a living during that time.

All the cunt had to do was shut the fuck up and you lads would've never put the work in to find this.

Who am I kidding, you'd have still done the work, cuz THAT'S HOW WE EXECUTIVE PRODUCE!


"Now put ice skates on dat bich." Peppermint
| As: IntlectualHomosexual Lenght: 1543 Characters Date: 2019-04-03 09:34:58 (UTC) Sub: opieandanthony |

I didn’t. Want to see my DD214? I volunteered at the Huntington NY recruiting office after quitting my job and breaking up with my GF at the time. Made squad leader and Platoon guide within 2 weeks in basic and AIT respectively at Ft. Sill OK. Received unit citation from the CO there. . Was honor graduate from Jump school at Ft. Benning GA. Went to the communications school at the FATC at Ft. Sill. 31V was my MOS. Tactical communication op/mech (learned to repair and operate radios) which after airborne training and placement with the 82nd Airborne Division became a 31V1P, which meant I got to jump out of C130’s with a radio strapped to my back. I worked the rest of my hitch at a motor pool at Fort Bragg NC taking care of radios in Sheridan tanks and remaining on jump status until I was Honorably Discharged. I signed on for a 7 year total contract. 3 years active duty, 4 years inactive reserves. While at Bragg I Took the PT and psych test for Ranger Training, passed them both, but they wanted me to re-up for 10 more years active duty to receive the training. I opted out because i didn’t want to be a career military man. I received my GED while in Basic Training.

Fact: I never peeled a single potato. Scrubbed a few latrines during basic, but so did everyone else.

Never saw any combat. I was In during peace time post-Vietnam and pre- Middle East. ‘79-‘82 active. Played music with a group of black guys in the day room during my time I was at Fort Bragg. Realized I wanted to play guitar for a living during that time.

God he is such a fucking faggot I wish Pat wasnt so gay and we got back in the cumia business


Which way?! Medium or well done?
The whole thing really is perplexing. I know the post-Vietnam War peacetime military is known for being a shitshow, but I can't imagine they were giving out 9 month contracts even then. You're not really useful to anyone until about six months in, anyway.

An injury could make sense, but I'm sure JoeH would have talked about that at length

Has he ever explained the nine months?


Don't thank the felon, Keith
The whole thing really is perplexing. I know the post-Vietnam War peacetime military is known for being a shitshow, but I can't imagine they were giving out 9 month contracts even then. You're not really useful to anyone until about six months in, anyway.

An injury could make sense, but I'm sure JoeH would have talked about that at length

Has he ever explained the nine months?

It "didn't line up with my life plan" after they wanted him to re-up for a couple years to get the position he wanted



Which way?! Medium or well done?
It "didn't line up with my life plan" after they wanted him to re-up for a couple years to get the position he wanted

I'll have to give a relisten. Still makes no sense.

It's not Safeway, where you can just leave if you get sick of it--you have a contract. Is he suggesting he had a 9 month enlistment contract? So the govt back then would just train, feed and house recruits then cut them loose before a full year and get nothing back in return??


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
It "didn't line up with my life plan" after they wanted him to re-up for a couple years to get the position he wanted

What a dishonest cunt. I absolutely sided with him against Joe. He carefully asks these question knowing the person only has so much information and doesn't see exactly why he was discharged. He might not say he served 4 years but when you wear the 82nd hat it's implied he did a full hitch and actually completely the airborne training neither of which he did. I guarantee if a "fellow" vet asks him where he served he just gives locations and the 82 and if they ask when he fudges the dates
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I guarantee if a "fellow" vet asks him where he served he just gives locations and the 82 and if they ask when he fudges the dates
When he took the gig at some campus to honor the vets he absolutely pretended to be a vet to get the gig and he not only fudged the dates of service he outright lied and told them he was in from 79 - 83. When challenged to produce his DD214 he had trouble finding it, yet someone here got it with 1 email. Go back to the days when he was getting support from fans, he was a cocky asshole about his patriotism never thinking anyone would question him.