I wanna see the debtor's movie!


Blackface Killah
It's just so child-like. The "point defense laser turrets" are even drawn is as little pew-pew nodules. This is beyond embarrassing. I get so fucking embarrassed for pat sometimes.
Just and added thought: do you think Hemingway drew little pictures of Santiago's boat with leader lines pointing to things like "nets"? Would that seem ridiculous?

Leonard Rhomberg

Who are you gonna replace me with?
This shit broke my wife's heart when I explained it to her. She thought all the old Hubble pictures were like looking out a space ship window. Eventually I bought a telescope just so I could show her a visible nebula, which just looks like a hazy cloud. Kinda felt bad after that, tbh. Felt like telling a kid there was no Santa.
So now what do you do with the telescope after purchasing for a one-time own of your wife

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.