I wanna see the debtor's movie!

  • Deleted by N/A


The gunslinger.
fucking do it already then so i can forward the forums there. we know you're only 2/3s joking because you want the dopamine of the 1/3 retards here who think it would actually happen.

Danforo let’s Boomia make explicit death threats to real people who use the forum every few hours, his terms of service endorse everything posted there.


Fatso once again admits that the sole purpose of the lolsuit was to dox people. Is it legal for 501(c)(3) charities to secretly finance lawsuits with such ulterior motives?

[URL unfurl="true"]https://archive.ph/wip/JZL3o[/URL]



Fatso once again admits that the sole purpose of the lolsuit was to dox people. Is it legal for 501(c)(3) charities to secretly finance lawsuits with such ulterior motives?

View attachment 163642
This is the way most criminal investigations are carried out. First a person files a civil suit alleging non-criminal behavior, and then the police will put them under surveillance and see if they have done anything illegal.

The SWATTings began after the lawsuit, by the way.