hey null - from one autist to another

Let's get this straight: Null is lamenting the "everyone I don't like is a pedophile" trope while firing out a baseless fabricated accusation that this forum is a SWAT-ing forum simply because he doesn't like it.

I got a newsflash for you, joy boy (Seinfeld reference, Null): no one associated with this forum going back to the reddit sub has ever SWAT-ed anyone and anyone who has ever suggested something remotely related to that kind of activity has been mocked and banned. Meanwhile, Kiwifarms is world famous for SWAT-ing and bullying people to suicide (it is literally the thing most people know it for). And Fatso was never SWAT-ed in the several years we've known about him until Kiwifarms became aware of him. Then lo and behold, as soon as Pat's Kiwifarms thread takes off, he starts getting SWAT-ed routinely.

Null: you run a forum full of the biggest losers on earth and you are the biggest loser of all. You live in an eastern European shithole just so you can keep your SWAT-ing forum alive. You whine and cry about how you lack a tradwife and mongoloid children. You're also fat.