hey null - from one autist to another

Anyone else remember when Josh ran 16chan and it was shut down for hosting Child Pron? Like legit 100% Cp. Not loli Or whatever the fuck. Joshs website was a stiaght up host for CP and he was a free speech absolutist so he didnt take it doen until the feds told him “fuck you. Sites gone”. Josh loves CP as much as Hildy
Why yes I do, I also recall his 8chan remake 9chan using his infinity next it took him nearly a decade to code also had a CP problem. Anyone remember back during 9chan and the CP issue he would talk about this super CP detecting ai he was training until somebody pointed out that since an ai needs similar images and videos to train it he would need terabyte of CP to train it. He oddly stopped talking about how he was training his CP finding ai after that.
He really loves that cheese pizza wonder if pizza day involves more than just him binging on one kind of pizza.


Fantastic Man
Teleports behind your sneed proxy...

uploads a session jacking website disguised as an opus file becuase the rust code only checked that a file came from the xenforo domain but you can upload files there.

Nothing personal kid...
I wish I wasn't too retarded to understand this. #16internetdick


هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
Null grooms his users to commit real world violence on US soil while he hides in his mom's garage "Serbia" bleeding them financially. He hates the US almost as much as he hates work or declaring all of his crypto assets to the IRS. Thankfully, he's incompetent at everything but grifting retards for shekels, so they tend to get caught.
this isn't my area but based on the post-mortem from null , in layman's terms what happened was

  • kiwifarms has/had a custom chat box that allows certain files to be uploaded. since it was an "opus" file (tsss mr hollands DOPEus) which is an audio file, the chat probably allowed audio files
  • a malicious file was uploaded that looked like an audio file but was a concealed payload.
  • This audio file sent requests to people in the chat or clicked on it. IN the background those requests were sent to a website somewhere else that impersonated the kiwifarms site so the users had no idea something was wrong. Your browser does a ton of shit in the background.
  • Because it was a live session, the attacker didn't need your username or password. Two factor doesn't do anything either. this is the reason the "session is hijacked"
  • When you log in there's a cookie saved that says you have passed all the login shit. If someone gets that cookie they can essentially "log in" as you until the cookie expires. This is why certain browser plugins like 1password for example require you to relogin every time you try to open it. it locks every time. So if someone stole your cookie for the 1password login they couldn't do shit because they still need your password. forums don't do that because you'd basically have to enter your password every time you loaded a new page.
  • The second clever part is that there was a policy that says , hey if there's anything outside of the xenforo.com domain hat executes code throw an error to the users browser. This would have basically stopped that audio file from forwarding a background request to the attacker ake site. What i think they did is upload it to some random part of a xenforo.com forum or PM thereor something. So since the code was executing on a *.xenforo.com domain it didn't error and tip off the users in the chat something was wrong.
    • Could be a CORS (tss cors light) policy, but that part i'm not sure either.
  • I believe the cloudflare security polices would have blocked it. If true that directly contributed to the hack.

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this is pieced together from shit i read so 16 dick internet applies.

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Wwaw admin being an actual competent hax0r while his detractors just larp as one


Gay Interracial Pangolin Conservationist
I can't believe he's still kvetching over @Diaper Cock Taster
Maybe it's not the threatening his mommy thing that pissed him off but the scat edits...
I mean just look at him, you can tell he's a firm solid shit kind of guy. Likes to have something he can really sink his teeth into.
Boy was raised on a steady diet of dinosaur nuggets, doesn't have the sophisticate palate required to enjoy a nice sloppy cumia...