He’s still working on those two chairs

How long has this project taken? Most people would do this on a Saturday. Nice sitting on the ground, stupid.
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Tee hee Funsters
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Im just waiting for this.....

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Don’t need cushions because Pat can’t afford them.
If Pat doesn’t have $100 for some decent outdoor cushions, he could always make his own. Cushions and pillows are the easiest things to sew, and you can do it all with just needle and thread, no sewing machine necessary. (Everyone had to take home ec in our school district and the varsity athletes among us really benefited from being knocked down a peg or two by humbling domestic needlework.)

I’d love to see how Pat would utterly ruin such an easy, no-brainer project.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
There are trash cans and dumpsters everywhere in view from his "backyard" which is an alleyway used mainly for trash cans/dumpsters and for garbage truck access. Imagine the stench wafting up from there as you sit on trash chairs on a sweltering and humid summer's day.
This is what I keep coming back to. I feel uncomfortable just looking at photos of what Pat speaks of as his lush, expansive gardens.

It looks like the kind of place that would make your skin itch the whole time. (And you know it’s crawling with bugs and insects. Definitely a mosquito magnet, especially after it rains.) It’s just so grimy and nasty, especially once it’s hot out.

Who would willingly spend time in this intolerable outdoor space when you could be relaxing inside in the AC or in the shade of the garage, slamming your dick in a car door repeatedly. Either would be preferable to being stuck on this miserable patch of concrete and weeds.

(Yes, I forgot: Pat’s rundown flophouse doesn’t have a garage. He’s not even living in the first world with the rest of us.)

Missy's Mangled Handster

BBJ Lover
If Pat doesn’t have $100 for some decent outdoor cushions, he could always make his own. Cushions and pillows are the easiest things to sew, and you can do it all with just needle and thread, no sewing machine necessary. (Everyone had to take home ec in our school district and the varsity athletes among us really benefited from being knocked down a peg or two by humbling domestic needlework.)

I’d love to see how Pat would utterly ruin such an easy, no-brainer project.
Just ask mew to sew him a couple.

In fact I think @RobertMewler should show him how it's done and make a few of her own


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Yeah, a "big upgrade" for your vacant lot looking backyard you lazy fucking nigger
Look at the one on the left. The back is nearly vertical while the seat is raised from the front. No one would sit like that for more than 10 seconds.

It's not as classy as these pieces of shit, but all the big box stores sell plastic Adirondack chairs that are super comfy for like $25