Have you ever instantly lost respect for a lifelong friend

Well, have ya?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 28 48.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • Polls are for faggots.

    Votes: 21 36.2%

  • Total voters


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Just went drinking with a pal I've known for 30 years. Guy has been working at Walgreens as a cashier for a decade because meth is a hell of a drug, but more importantly had been living with a hot 23 year old (He's 38) for 4 years.

He's depressed drinking because they broke up yesterday and it comes out he hasn't slept with this girl once in 4 years. She's just been living in his house as his "girlfriend."

so basically she mooched free room and board (and probably drugs) off him and while he worked a shit job? how does it get sadder than this?


Dirty Bastard
That would imply I ever respected the wankers. How do you respect a guy who claimed his retarded brother tried to fuck his arse as a kid, who paid £50 for a porn mag in an adult book store, got it home, took it out the sealed bag and found he’d bought a poofter mag. Who used to live with his granny, who’d answer the door, show you in and open his bedroom door as he’s having a wank

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
Yeah I have one, knew this guy some red headed ‘Mexican’ for fawkin years and it turns out he likes to jerk off in front of women. Why not fuck them?

Anyways, we don’t want to believe we were so wrong about a person.

Nice Louis CK humblebrag, pudster.

Last one was pretty recent, but someone I used to know was hanging out with us pretty recently. Guy has been working at the same restaurant we worked at in our late teens/early twenties for 10 years now still waiting tables. We asked him if he has any other aspirations and he got all defensive with us and couldn't give us an answer on any plans he has for his life. Dude is going on 30 and still lives in his parents apartment. One of my friends even offered him a room to move into and he refused. Faggot will probably die in the same bedroom he grew up in.
I know a guy like this. Knew him in high school and we started the same day at this grocery store about a decade ago. I left that job 8 years ago after I finished college and he's been there, still living at home, still working as a bottom rung baker. It makes me absolutely nuts because he could reasonably get himself a better position somewhere with some schooling and job hunting. I wouldn't want to be a baker but it's a skillset this sad fuck could improve on, find a better job and move out from his folks' place.


Can't really call someone a lifelong friend at age 9, but we had been friends for a few years until one day when I was at his house hanging out in his room, out of the blue he asked me If I want to try having him stick his prepubescent dick in my virgin ass (okay, maybe he didn't word it quite that way). He never seemed like a faggot before that, but then again pretty much no kids did in the 1970s. He had always seemed a bit a dimwitted though. I mostly just liked going to his house to play his Atari 2600. (The only video game I had was Pong.) I didn't beat his meat but rather a hasty retreat, and I never saw him again. Not just because I was trying to avoid being anally raped by a 4th grader, but because he got put in special ed classes the next year. Thank goodness the retards were quarantined in their own classrooms back then. I wonder if he eventually playdate raped one of the tards.

FIW the boomer ball bustin':

Haha your friend got molested
Around thirteen years ago, my sister died suddenly. I got home in the mid-morning, messaged a few people, and the calls started coming, which they do at times like those. This old friend from our old neighborhood called, said how shocked and sorry he was and etc. Then he said "so what are you gonna do now?". Now, it was maybe 10AM and I'd been up all night, going to my sister's place, going with our mother to the hospital to ID her and etc., then telling her three kids that their mother was dead. It takes a lot out of you.

So I replied that I'd been up all night, I'd just gotten home to feed and let the pets out, and I was probably going to eat, take a shower, and try to take a nap or something, before I had to start with the funeral stuff and so forth. He says, in a really, really pissy tone, "huh, I can't believe you're thinking about sleeping at a time like this". See, this had always been something I disliked about this guy, that he was one of those really annoying early riser assholes who goes to bed at nine o'clock like a child and thinks anyone who sleeps past five in the morning is a lazy sluggardly bum.

And I replied that I wasn't "thinking about" sleeping, I was exhausted. Then he says "how are you going to put her kids through college?". And I said "what the fuck are you talking about? I just told those kids their mother was dead two fucking hours ago. No one is thinking about their hypothetical college tuition right now, you idiot". Then he said "well, you'll be raising them now", and right then that friendship was over. I just told him my family business was none of his fucking concern and thanks for the call, and I've only spoken to him very briefly a few times since.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Had a friend who let his wife encourage his son to transition into a freak. Full dick cutting off surgery and hormones. Dresses like a total fag. His son is one of those ultra obnoxious faggots that let's you know immediately that he is a mental case. "My name is Elizabeth....they/them.....I'm very progressive......what are your pronouns?". Fag/got.

But he did this all in secret. The son basically quit his job, never left the house, took hormones for however long it takes, got the surgery, then finally reentered the world without his dick as a brand new person. I guess the COVID lockdowns made it easier to just hide in your house and no one question it. But here's the weirdest part. His son has kids...and now they live with their new 'mother' and 'her' boyfriend.

If anyone in my family transitioned I would just dead name and harass them into suicide.


Around thirteen years ago, my sister died suddenly. I got home in the mid-morning, messaged a few people, and the calls started coming, which they do at times like those. This old friend from our old neighborhood called, said how shocked and sorry he was and etc. Then he said "so what are you gonna do now?". Now, it was maybe 10AM and I'd been up all night, going to my sister's place, going with our mother to the hospital to ID her and etc., then telling her three kids that their mother was dead. It takes a lot out of you.

So I replied that I'd been up all night, I'd just gotten home to feed and let the pets out, and I was probably going to eat, take a shower, and try to take a nap or something, before I had to start with the funeral stuff and so forth. He says, in a really, really pissy tone, "huh, I can't believe you're thinking about sleeping at a time like this". See, this had always been something I disliked about this guy, that he was one of those really annoying early riser assholes who goes to bed at nine o'clock like a child and thinks anyone who sleeps past five in the morning is a lazy sluggardly bum.

And I replied that I wasn't "thinking about" sleeping, I was exhausted. Then he says "how are you going to put her kids through college?". And I said "what the fuck are you talking about? I just told those kids their mother was dead two fucking hours ago. No one is thinking about their hypothetical college tuition right now, you idiot". Then he said "well, you'll be raising them now", and right then that friendship was over. I just told him my family business was none of his fucking concern and thanks for the call, and I've only spoken to him very briefly a few times since.
What a fucking faggot. Also props for holding up under all of that.


Franklin Delano Child
i don’t talk to anyone anymore nor do i want to. but when i was at my lowest depths of binge drinking a few years ago i thought it’d be a good idea to mend fences of bridges i’d burned in the past & got back in touch with a guy who was one of my best friends in high school. he was always kind of a fag & admittedly bi & had been living in austin for the few years i hadn’t spoken to him. he’d completely gone overboard in the worst ways during that time, the most obscene of which was palling around every day with this husky nonbinary blob of shit who wasn’t remotely fuckable/had the most stereotypical lefty buzzword hateable personality possible. she was a heinous piece of shit & he, true to form, turbo-simped for her & treated her like she was god’s gift to him. i found out he’d even admitted to our other friend that she was the only woman he ever loved. this bitch openly had a boyfriend she was living with & pretty much fucked anyone who was interested. not to mention constantly talked about it as if anyone wanted to know who oinked the sow. i had looked the other way on a lot of my friend’s fagginess out of nostalgia but the cuckitude was mind boggling. he was also kind of a shitty friend in general. at some point i called him blackout drunk & left a voicemail saying all this & went back to not speaking again. i have no interest in talking to anyone from the past. the indifference is mutual & palpable


Last one was pretty recent, but someone I used to know was hanging out with us pretty recently. Guy has been working at the same restaurant we worked at in our late teens/early twenties for 10 years now still waiting tables. We asked him if he has any other aspirations and he got all defensive with us and couldn't give us an answer on any plans he has for his life. Dude is going on 30 and still lives in his parents apartment. One of my friends even offered him a room to move into and he refused. Faggot will probably die in the same bedroom he grew up in.
Surprisingly my story's equivalent of this was one of the least sad things about the guy.

Because 80% of the people in this shithole town are the exact same way. It doesn't even bother me anymore. The retirement plan for over half of my highschool's graduating class is probably 'wait until parents die, hope they have something, proceed to blow it all on heroin.'