Has This Airbnb Been Posted?

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
listing not showing for me now, but yesterday people were having the same issue and it came back, so who knows

edit: on their user pages the listing is there but the thumbnails are broken
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Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Of course he does. He’s trying to be the cool wise author taking in weary travelers and imparting his worldly wisdom on his guests over a cup of tea. Just like he stole the whole pet on his shoulder in videos thing from Brandon Sanderson.

His whole life is a fat, bloated, sweaty, child ignoring cosplay.
I bet he larps that it's like visiting the Florida keys and staying at Hemingway's house
I assumed it was AirBNB glitching but you'd think people would get pissed if their rooms randomly went down. Pat is probably doing it for some reason that is extremely stupid.

There's archives farther back in the thread and on the farms too, I think everything in the profile has been saved. Also he needs a license and paperwork so if MPD wants that he can't hide it.


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
They already admitted they can’t pay the mortgage without rental income. Enjoy foreclosure.

Maybe it went down another way.... After doing a massive media tour on how I'm the most swatted person in America (false) AirBnB decided to side WITH THE PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL ME AND MY FAMILY and chose to close my listing.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
looks like they use 403 for suspended listings, not voluntarily taken down by hosts.

we'll have to wait to see if it's just flagging/DMCA bullshit, or AirBnB caught wind of the "swatting" media tour and wants nothing to do with the hovel
No , stlaker. You have never SWATTed me and put my livelihood at risk. These are your delusions. This is how you choose to end your life.
looks like they use 403 for suspended listings, not voluntarily taken down by hosts.

we'll have to wait to see if it's just flagging/DMCA bullshit, or AirBnB caught wind of the "swatting" media tour and wants nothing to do with the hovel
Didn't he and his dopey wife have the half-hovel advertised for over $300/night during the Republican National Convention? Doubtful it was their choice to remove the listing unless their lawyers convinced them to remove it in order to add a phony loss of income claim to their frivolous lawsuit.


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
if the AirBnB is gone for good he might have to offer his maid service to third parties to make ends meet
View attachment 189683
I cannot imagine the oinking that’s happening if he thinks the Airbnb is permanently kaput. (Seems unlikely it is. I suspect this is flagging from concerned citizens that will be resolved eventually.) His pig heart can take much more!

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
He's not on Vrbo either. Fucking ribs. Nice shutting down your only source of income, pig.

Taking it down now is such a dumb move, it's way too late for that. I do hope though this was AirBnb banning him due to a user report as @Sink Inspector mentioned and not fatty taking it down himself on advice of his lawyers. Reddit should make an inquiry and see what they can get out of him.