(((Ghislaine Maxwell))) megathread


A circle of N-words

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
They de-royalfied (made it up) Prince Andrew today too. Took all his titles away.
Oh no what’s he gonna do?! I can’t imagine being disgraced like that! No matter where you go, like your beach houses or castles, you can’t escape the fact, you’re now just a regular faggot.

Side note: My phone almost auto corrected to Faggotsdid911. I’m currently very proud.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Oh no what’s he gonna do?! I can’t imagine being disgraced like that! No matter where you go, like your beach houses or castles, you can’t escape the fact, you’re now just a regular faggot.

Side note: My phone almost auto corrected to Faggotsdid911. I’m currently very proud.
I thought you use Voice to Text, Joe.



Gen Z Boss And A Mini
They killed another one of her accomplices.

They "killed" him the exact same way they "killed" Epstein.

They don't even care that we know.

