(((Ghislaine Maxwell))) megathread

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
Do you hear the secrets not coming out of MY MOUTH!?
Screenshot_20211122-230137_rif is fun.jpg


Tim Dillon has done a couple interviews with journalist Whitney Webb about this, she's an expert on the Maxwell family and her father's ties to the Promise Software Scandal and all this other shit. Epstein used to work for AG Bill Barr's father or something, it's a mind-numbing amount of horrific information all verifiable on Wikipedia. This was all pretty out in the open, the media just will pretend it was a fever dream.


The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
"She ordered employees at Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion to keep their eyes lowered, to not speak unless they were spoken to — and to clean up and put away their sex toys, an ex-houseman testified Thursday."

One of the toys was called the "twin torpedo". I'm still trying to figure out what that could possibly be.


"your honor, there is a missing piece of evidence that will damn Ghislaine and the late Epstein, but we can't seem to locate it. Apparently, it is a small, silver colored "vibrating egg". When interrogated by our detectives, Maxwell said she gifted it to a certain "nana"...but we cannot seem to locate this perp."


The fact that not one shred of evidence or any names have been made public after authorities raided Epsteins properties is all the proof you need of a) how big it is and b) our system and the people in it are just a big joke.
Or maybe the group of kidfuckers was small. I tend to lean towards Epstein just being a starfucker in need of validation of other important people who was a pedo on the side. No doubt some of them joined him, but I think most of the assumptions that any rich/famous person he met was in on it are wrong.

I'd imagine it's a huge roll of the dice to bring people in on a pedophile ring. The risk/reward strongly favors risk... and the risk is that a well-resourced dude is gonna stay quiet when you swing and miss in offering them a girl. The assumption is that he blackmailed people with girls/security cameras to catch them in compromising situations. Well, wouldn't millionaires/billionaires have their own armies of lawyers/fixers? And don't they get paid a fortune to say "Nigga, what was she doing there in the first place? And why the cameras?" and send their own people to get to Epstein the same way conspiracists allege he did to them.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Or maybe the group of kidfuckers was small. I tend to lean towards Epstein just being a starfucker in need of validation of other important people who was a pedo on the side. No doubt some of them joined him, but I think most of the assumptions that any rich/famous person he met was in on it are wrong.

I'd imagine it's a huge roll of the dice to bring people in on a pedophile ring. The risk/reward strongly favors risk... and the risk is that a well-resourced dude is gonna stay quiet when you swing and miss in offering them a girl. The assumption is that he blackmailed people with girls/security cameras to catch them in compromising situations. Well, wouldn't millionaires/billionaires have their own armies of lawyers/fixers? And don't they get paid a fortune to say "Nigga, what was she doing there in the first place? And why the cameras?" and send their own people to get to Epstein the same way conspiracists allege he did to them.
I had like 3 paragraphs written cause I’m a tard. You make the mistake of thinking these people understand morality. They are all psychopaths and sociopaths. The risk is equal to or less than Epstein approaching them. Why potentially lose your family fortune, hurt relationships, or drag your family through the mud? Not to mention assassination. Because he did something “naughty” (in their minds)? These people all know eachother and know what they do. There would be no point to pursue so he can approach away. Everyone knew about Weinstein. Nothing was done for how many years? Until social media.