Elementary School Shooting in Nashville

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
This is one of pats takes on what he thinks needs to be done to gun laws. He seems to think universal background checks is the answer. Not like we already dont do background checks. Of course russia is behind it all.



Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He’s waiting for the approved response to this which is taking a while due to the situation. Most are just ignoring the facts and blaming it on republicans which doesn’t make sense.
This one really fucks up their narrative. I think the plan is to deflect and ignore until the next big news story makes it go away.




Keyboard Warrior
No you shouldn't be "doubtful", you should disregard that shit immediately. Fucking nutjobs today.
I don’t know what to believe ever.

If in the year 2002 I met you and told you that there was a pedophile island that Bill Clinton and Bill Gates both visited multiple times you would have written me off as a wacko.

Sometimes the crazies seem to have a point and just a little research will show you the truth. All I know is it’s better to trust many of the so-called crazies than the MSM and the government.


I don’t know what to believe ever.

If in the year 2002 I met you and told you that there was a pedophile island that Bill Clinton and Bill Gates both visited multiple times you would have written me off as a wacko.

Sometimes the crazies seem to have a point and just a little research will show you the truth. All I know is it’s better to trust many of the so-called crazies than the MSM and the government.

What I hate most about conspiracyfags is they weren't even there, they have like 2% of the facts, yet think theyre right.

Am i a hypocrite because of my views on the Holocaust? Well that's not a conspiracy that's just fawkin logic.

CuntFucker .

This is one of pats takes on what he thinks needs to be done to gun laws. He seems to think universal background checks is the answer. Not like we already dont do background checks. Of course russia is behind it all.

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This fucking faggot would raise red flags if there were proper laws in place.

Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
I don't know about a war with China. But with Ukraine not able to retake anymore territory, there is going to be a push to get the US more involved, not unlike how the Vietnam War started with aide, then "advisors", then combat troops. With Russia and China being allies, it means we'll be in a proxy war with China.

We won't be able to admit that, because our corporate overlords will not want to stop getting all the cheap shit they can from China. So we'll keep on making China stronger the same time they are helping to get Americans killed.

Which is why we never talk about the fact China was sending resources to the Taliban.
RIP Taiwan