Elementary School Shooting in Nashville



Just saw a news report on it, they tried very hard to not mention much about the shooter, used a clip of a sgt calling them “she” and nothing more. They really don’t want anyone knowing the shooter is a man that claims to be a woman now. It’s official, if you’re trans and commit a serious crime you’re an evil bigot if you mention the shooter was trans.

Wasn’t that Texas school shooter a tranny? I remember any information of the shooter was buried quick and never mentioned again.
It's a woman that claims to be a man.

Well, it was.


I gotta a question and what better place to than here. I am asking this unironically and not to stir up shit. I've seen news reports about the shooter with different answers so .......

Shooter was Trans ........ Are we talking they have a penis and want to be a girl? Or, does the shooter have a vagina and want to be a boy?

I've seen news saying trans woman and others saying trans man. Which is it?


I gotta a question and what better place to than here. I am asking this unironically and not to stir up shit. I've seen news reports about the shooter with different answers so .......

Shooter was Trans ........ Are we talking they have a penis and want to be a girl? Or, does the shooter have a vagina and want to be a boy?

I've seen news saying trans woman and others saying trans man. Which is it?
It was a womb-having individual


I gotta a question and what better place to than here. I am asking this unironically and not to stir up shit. I've seen news reports about the shooter with different answers so .......

Shooter was Trans ........ Are we talking they have a penis and want to be a girl? Or, does the shooter have a vagina and want to be a boy?

I've seen news saying trans woman and others saying trans man. Which is it?
Born a girl and wanted to become Ellen Page.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.