Elementary School Shooting in Nashville


Keyboard Warrior
That sounds a bit far-fetched. It's a lot of intellectualizing and theorizing on the part of whomever created that narrative.

In this case the simplest explanation is what makes the most sense (to me); depressed mental girl went tranny, tried to figure out who to blame for her problems, got guns, shot Christian kids and adults at school she used to attend as some twisted 'payback'.
Well they do have their go to: gun control.

Randy Weingarten is already calling for more of it. Not tranny control, gun control.



We're definitely due for a real war. Iraq, Afghanistan it's been forever. Syria about to get fucked up
I thought so too, but if the Americans get too aggro, whats stopping China and Russia from activating their sleepers in the media and qAnon etc...to cause maximum chaos in domestic life. I think the shit about to transpire domestically will make the 2020 protests look like kindergarten.

For USA to wage a legit foreign war (not talking about bombing Iranian agents in Syria...btw, even that little cat-mouse game is soon to be over), it HAS to avoid civil war.


May St. Mel bless you
I don't know about a war with China. But with Ukraine not able to retake anymore territory, there is going to be a push to get the US more involved, not unlike how the Vietnam War started with aide, then "advisors", then combat troops. With Russia and China being allies, it means we'll be in a proxy war with China.

We won't be able to admit that, because our corporate overlords will not want to stop getting all the cheap shit they can from China. So we'll keep on making China stronger the same time they are helping to get Americans killed.

Which is why we never talk about the fact China was sending resources to the Taliban.