Elementary School Shooting in Nashville


Keyboard Warrior
What Patrick fails to mention is that faggot DA's and judges have to prosecute and sentence nigger felons and other faggot felons who get caught with guns- it should be atleast a 5 year mandatory minimum (ID be open to a flat decade).

Enforce the fucking laws we have. DA's need to quit being pussies and handing out deals to violent criminals who have very little leverage. Also, operators like Soros and out if state money should be completely illegal when used towards local elections- especially for DA's/Judges. They're not fucking activists. They should not give two shits about "restorative justice"-- basically giving niggers a pass for their violent crimes because of... reasons.

In the case of this trans bitch, there's not much that could have been done. One possibility is declaring trans/non-binary shit as a mental illness (it is) in conjunction with denying gun ownership to anyone who is on psych meds.

Patrick stinks, and I don't like him.
George Soros is literally why you're complaining about this.


Keyboard Warrior
That last numerology one…that’s how Joe Cumia’s cow brain works
I reached out to an old friend of ours after seeing another reference the 3 numerology thing, because I don't know the significance.

It's a Freemasonic number and it's stemmed from the 1/3 of the Angels that defected and joined Lucifer. A lot of news headlines use 33 over and over. 33rd degree freemason is highest you can go, which is assumed is attained by murdering someone.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!


Stand Alone Fruit
This one really fucks up their narrative. I think the plan is to deflect and ignore until the next big news story makes it go away.
Yeah they’re really going out of their way to avoid mentioning the shooter on this one, just the usual “ban all guns!” Talk. if it was a white man and not a white tranny they would be crying about how it’s “only white men” that do this even though we all know that’s not true.


Stand Alone Fruit
I don’t know what to believe ever.

If in the year 2002 I met you and told you that there was a pedophile island that Bill Clinton and Bill Gates both visited multiple times you would have written me off as a wacko.

Sometimes the crazies seem to have a point and just a little research will show you the truth. All I know is it’s better to trust many of the so-called crazies than the MSM and the government.
They say when you’re one step ahead you’re smart and insightful but if you’re 3 steps ahead you’re called a wacko conspiracy theory nut job. Lot of “crazy tin foil hat” predictions eventually come true.


May St. Mel bless you
Imagine the logic behind seeing a fellow tranny shoot up a school and then you feel attacked and go on the defensive and declare war instead of disavowing what happened. They just look for a reason to try and riot.

They've been coddled by the media and every other liberal group, told they are brave and special. Worse, anyone who opposes their ideology is "literally killing trans people". The Democrats radicalized the shooter.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I'm getting ready for work, or I would try to find the clip it's self. but at the end of this video, Dice shows a clip of Biden laughing and joking about the shooting:

could you picture trump making a joke about a black dude getting shot?


Keyboard Warrior
They say when you’re one step ahead you’re smart and insightful but if you’re 3 steps ahead you’re called a wacko conspiracy theory nut job. Lot of “crazy tin foil hat” predictions eventually come true.
I appreciate @RobertMewler and others keeping me sane. Like I said, I don't know what to believe. I can argue a ton about race issues, but when it comes to psyops and gayops I try to keep an open mind.

That said, (((they))) *ARE* trying to diminish tranny influence and put that queer genie back in its bottle. Even the NYT was saying maybe it's gone too far recently.

But even without that, how do I know? Well, Waukesha, WI was a mass murder done by an "SUV". Remember that? More people died there. More kids. More grandmothers. And they swept that under the rug once they found out it was a Black nationalist.

Sandy Hook never had crime scene photos released.

But in this case, within a day, we've got hi-res body cam footage and surveillance footage, and lots of media stories about this things pronouns, etc. They aren't burying this story at all.

The question is why the different treatment? There's a reason they do everything.